Now it serious, few days before the breaking of George Bush illness, Angel Henry Junior Ogar attempted a telepathy to Donald Trump to save George Bush from death. The message came to Angel Henry Junior Ogar from the spirit world. Scene " George Bush struggles with Cigarette, then Donald Trump came to help him out of it, leaving Donald Trump in a mess without anyone knowing how the mess came but there were ashes of Cigarette dropping on Donald Trumps Hair. George Bush wife now tries to Kill Angel Henry Junior Ogar with his father knowing nothing about this. His Father Edward Ogar is known at home to bring messages to them, but not this one. Condoleezza Rice on the other hand, now makes a shot with a Gun towards Donald Trump and Angel Henry Junior Ogar. Laura Bush was faint in the scene, but tried to force and stop Condoleezza Rice from shooting at Trump. Now George Bush is suffering physically from an Illness according to Usweekly headlines. Now Angel Henry Junior Ogar s...