Sony Music is the biggest music group worldwide and Columbia Records a branch of it. Nobody will ever refuse a contract with Columbia records or Sony Music as a whole. The Big Music group contacted me and i was asked to submit song for screening to the label H and R team. H and R team is responsible for accessing musicians songs and recruiting them to the music label. This i was ready to do before realized there was a fee to pay. I will pay a fee physically to a label will sign me on a money and long term contract but doing that over the internet may be absurd. I can not say if it was the real Columbia Records anymore, because i expected the label to sign me on a contract based fee like other Nigeria act they have signed. I have not been given a contract by the label yet after the cash finalization did not go through and i hope the group get back to me. Sony Music is a record label i have always wanted to work with even before the completion of my debut album. The group contacted me twice "Columbia Records" and " Warner Bros". Before time, i had received a court summon from Warner bros on infringement issues which never came to pass because it was handled appropriately and i never had to get a lawyer. This time it is a music contract application request and am so delighted to be scouted by the music group. Angel Henry Junior Ogar also said he made demand for the music group to sign him from the internet to join Africa Sony Division, since he has not seen any Nigeria division but they have branches almost around the world.
Sony Music Columbia then came through days after i contacted Shakira with Spanish a native language, saying The group will like to sign me on but i needed to pay a particular fee. I reacted saying i know Sony can pay you for music contract and not musician paying Sony for a music contract. The case may be so, but in only Promotion terms which i know with other music company. I await a Sony Music Contract. DO listen to my songs on Sound Cloud with the term "Angel Henry Junior Ogar