
Showing posts from June 10, 2018


The Episode Five And Six Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

All the members of the Apriyuo have now become weak people and the whole members of Rioper are elevated. This has left Ach Angel Henry in a happy but incomplete happiness because he is yet to understand why the creatures came to their city. All his followers and Rioper followers now have an immured stated to death except strong magical sorcery that could varnish them for eternity. This made Rioper a happy person, knowing anyone who went to eternity from a good side survives but a bad person is burnt in volcanic fluid, which burns to ashes in few seconds what it comes in contact with. Every thing the Apriyuo members do, now remain silent as Tado plans to lead them in fear of Apriyuo vengeance for taking his woman. This has been the reason behind Tadoā€™s weakness, because he never stood strong after Apriyuo attacked him years ago because of his female follower. However, the rumor behind it is that Tado and Apriyuo have a secret deal to remain alive and help each...

The Episode Of Four Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

Apriyuo asked Tado to meet him in front of Tubt , saying a white spirit is awake, and he is trying very hard to release it and bring it forth to join his team. Tado ignorantly accepted and summoned his men to watch if any intruder was coming. Tado and Apriyuo never knew that it is Rioper who has summoned himself to the dead and tried coming back to life just to investigate the origin of Apriyuo.  He told his son to take care of his new Angels Jaideniy and Henrifa,  because it seem Apriyuo played a trick in the middle of somewhere, from the beginning of his lies that he was known to Rioper when he was in this world. Tado weaker continuously and tried to change his looks to appear differently to Rioper wife, Guilo who is worried already if another person knew her weakness following her uncontrollable fear she felt continuously each time she cried all of a sudden. She started a look on all the demons she had fought and came across but found none. De...

The Episode Three Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

Apriyuo was confused when he didnā€™t see the Arch Angel Henry come out of the toilet He Immediately summoned his Ninja to follow him to where he came from; Arch Angel Henry was already feeling that someone is coming, as his watch began to bubble like water is boiling. He retuned to the living room and turned it into an invisible place. The ninjas came to his, and they were unable to see him. His happiness increased that he is able to challenge and hide from his first attackers in the lost world. He moved quietly to them as they could not see anybody and hear no movements. Arch Angel Henry stretched his hands towards the shelf and brought a camera to take a shot, and then Apriyuo used his magic since he could see from afar to varnish the ninjas. Arch Angel Henry only took a shot of one of the ninjas face. The ninjas could disappear also but they didnā€™t see Apriyuo coming, as they were not as fast as Apriyuo. The day went down gradually and Arch Angel Henry quie...

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