
The Episode Of Four Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

Apriyuo asked Tado to meet him in front of Tubt, saying a white spirit is awake, and he is trying very hard to release it and bring it forth to join his team. Tado ignorantly accepted and summoned his men to watch if any intruder was coming. Tado and Apriyuo never knew that it is Rioper who has summoned himself to the dead and tried coming back to life just to investigate the origin of Apriyuo.  He told his son to take care of his new Angels Jaideniy and Henrifa,  because it seem Apriyuo played a trick in the middle of somewhere, from the beginning of his lies that he was known to Rioper when he was in this world. Tado weaker continuously and tried to change his looks to appear differently to Rioper wife, Guilo who is worried already if another person knew her weakness following her uncontrollable fear she felt continuously each time she cried all of a sudden. She started a look on all the demons she had fought and came across but found none. Deep within the Rioper team, Angel Henrifa and Angel Jaideniy already suspected there is a spy between them who sneaked in as they were in their previous village and she served the ruler at that time. They searched mind as they have learnt from Rioper but found nothing, then Rioper told his wife and Arch Angel Henry that it is only a trick to make them stronger because itā€™s his clone that does that. When ever he clones, Guilo feels guilty like someone else have her secret and she has been feeling this for a very long time but now she is free from the uncalled fear. Back at Tubt, the two spirits Tado and Apriyuo continued to summon the white spirit they saw to follow up and find out where it will appear. Being very strong, Rioper was able to trick the both of them and they all followed the trick and went to Seriav.  On reaching Seriav, Guilo already prepared their guilt when she read the see which will be invoked into them to make them weak and get captured when they reach close to the cloned body spirit that Rioper will forge to be a white appearing spirit. Now is the time!  Arch Angel Henry screamed as he saw the two spirits bundled in the spell set for them by Guilo, Angel Henrifa and Angel Jaideniy hurriedly picked dup the bundled spirit and dragged them towards their prison created fro demonic criminals. On reaching there, their faces were covered and after a while opened and they saw the faces of the two new angels who were already strong enough to torture demonic criminals. They laughed and tried to scare them saying if they are not released they will invoke an animal that will eat them up because they have gotten their powers back. Angel Jaideniy, then used the tip of her hand and touched the forehead of Apriyuo, who screamed like he is being burnt by fire because it took him to his pain immediately which is their immediate torture system. They both accepted that they are not fighting with Rioper anymore and were ready to join this team to fight any evil that was intruding their neighborhood. Apriyuo already excited saw Rioper entered saying thatā€™s a lie, because you are a cunning person. Rioper was able to confirm that Tado only uses powerful people to get his freedom, by making his captive shut up and being manipulated and acts like the boss of the demonic gang. Rioper said this time the Tado monster will go no where and will be varnished to a world of no return. The angel s where shocked at the way Tado  looked immediately he heard the voice of Rioper, but they got back to their senses after Arch Angel Henry took them out of the investigating room. Guilo, came in and asked where they will varnish him to, holding tight her hair in her scarf without letting a strand come out because she knows fully well that Tado uses women hair to disappear.  The hair of Angel Henrifa and Angel Jaideniy were always covered, so ado, finds it impossible to escape this time. The portion was prepared and immediately, Tado began to varnish shrinking and changing to air. Jaideniy was very happy saying Tado, has been a disturbance in her life in dreams and visions asking her to join his team in form of Apriyuo as the leader.  The ongoing varnishing brought the men of Apriyuo gang closer without the notice of anyone. Immediately Tado varnished, one of Rioper team, came into the room and gave a picture she took few foots away from their resting place saying we are under attack. The picture had wavy scenes believed to be ghost of people but was very clear that they will appear real and clear in the resting place, since the camera only takes images knowing exactly the category of spirits they were fighting. Seeing this, Rioper summoned his entire team and gave them directions saying this are the first team of Apriyuo men they are called varnishing spirits also and they make spirits get lost to their world. T this time, Apriyuo was working with a seventh spirit which he uses in times of war. According to history, the spirit only empowers it first invoker and it happened to be Apriyuo who found out when he was battling for power in his city. The people of Rioper became equipped with repelling shield and varnishing swords. The vanquisher of souls the I am that I am and the executioner of wicked spirit was the voice they heard from the clouds as Rioper  poured a glass of clean water into the air saying to the people go forth the battle is yours, look not at your enemies eyes. The fight began and Apriyuo men were being defeated with more coming. His power grew stronger as his people were dying because he is known for swallowing dead sprits that make him invisible when ever it reaches hundred. This is what Rioper found out and told his men to stop killing because the powers get to Apriyuo.  He asked them to get them to hostage with the repelling shield. At the count of 80 dead spirits, Apriyuo summoned a sounding death call to his army base and so many of his people died making his power boost fast. He turned into a beast, took down the watchers despite their fight and flew away. After flying away, Rioper appeared in the rom after feeling a hit on his men, he followed up immediately with Guilo, but Apriyuo was nowhere to be found. From the reading of his disappearance, he left with the oozes of the portion used to varnish Tado, which means he is varnished to the unknown world with Tado.  The capture 150 people then faced the battle with questions of how they are being trained. The people refused to answer and were only kept prisoners. Day in and out, they will form clothing saying the next person is dead till they remained 30, and then Apriyuo summoned all of them to the unknown world. Rioper noticed this but was unable to do anything at the moment, trying to understand whose magic he used. Arch Angel Henry became angry, and asked his father why he didnā€™t act when he noticed the drift of disappearance with the captured prisoners. He did not feel happy with the question, however and only answered that he was unsure it was here because the magic is scary. It looked like it is happening in Apriyuo army base. This brought a little doubt to the people of Rioper, wondering if he had partnered with the attacking spirit and perhaps they have found another world they can both rule and now want to use them to attain powers. This is furious, when the message reached Arch Angel Henry, saying it can not be true? After saving you all back there, now a trade? He was surprised at them, as some were already thinking of escaping the verge. This is in fact what Rioper was waiting for, because he noticed some spirit kept their feelings in the team and during the wavy spirit invasion they attacked and looked like his men. This caused the drift told Arch Angel Henry, who quickly summoned perimeter protection and the whole team scattered when they found out that truly they were spies. Guilo followed them up to their nearest predicted escape route but they varnished into the ground in front of Rioper and other angels. This is the plan of Apriyuo from his summoning that they should make Rioper men want to escape and join Apriyuo team saying he is incompetent. Nobody followed, and Rioper was happy, and immediately varnished and returned in a minute with an Apriyuo men saying he saw this one changing bodies and never really left, since they were air ghost they swap bodies without your notice, invade your head and then make you want to run away. Dumping the spirit to the ground, tied in magical chains he told them all if they feel like running anytime again they should scream aloud saying ā€œI believe and nothing only one in its Creationā€ This worked quite alright and they were able to invade the Apriyuo summoning camp using the captured spirit as a bait, when ever the gates beep, it needs a finger print of its kind to open up since they put on invisible gloves. This was used to invade as water spirit and tortured the Apriyuo men and killed them all as they drank water and wine. The place was searched and Apriyuo found out that there is a breach in his security which made him to begin checking all his archives to know which spirit it was. Not belonging to Rioper, a fast spirit close to Arch Angel Henry was discovered in all spirit radar, and he fell with his hand on the ground and one up directly into the camp of Rioper.  When Apriyuo, saw this spirit from his radar he became scared because he had never seen a half human and his being kind. This made Rioper, Guilo and Arch Angel Henry followers act scared saying he is an attacker. But Arch Angel Henry defended his childhood friend saying he knew Jikasoli from childhood always acting like evil and white spirits. They al laughed and he moved swiftly into a created room immediately and summoned the team saying this is Tado plan and he was able to break into the invisible world because after Rioper varnished Tado it surfaced on all the spirits radar outside this world. Tado plans to attack with a whirling fire and his magic have become so strong, for him to shift worlds and attack closely without being noticed or harmed. This got Rioper angry for the first time and he unlocked his actilem which kept him soft against invading spirits. Immediately he varnished and returned no more. The whole place was quiet, and then Jikasoli told Arch Angel Henry to be strong, because he has not completely fulfilled his mission and the fight is becoming tougher. Now the plan is to create shield for the people because Tado now have a power that erases manual learners and leaves only automatic and built skills. The only way to defeat Tado with his followers is to make your people reborn by throwing them into the Creator principle furnace. This will invoke the gods of the Archā€™s who will bless you and make them his entire robot. In this fight you need no follower, because it is a sign of weakness. All you need is your strength concentration, and powers. This will pull out pity and make you a god adding to your Arch powers. He accepted, and Guilo helped them to cast the followers without their notice to the Creator principle furnace. It took 23 days to reborn and the end saw dark and grey spirits coming out of different places with swords and no smiles or feelings anymore.


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