
Showing posts from March 4, 2018


News: Angel Henry Still Surprised Over Twitter Block By Rita Dominic After TOTO Band Tweet

Celebrity and Actress Rita Dominic late last month February blocked New Musician, Angel Henry Junior Ogar on Twitter, without any reply o tweet of a reason after mentioning her with a tweet saying 'TOTO is a European music band'. The block was surprising to Angel Henry Junior Ogar, as he says he taught Rita Dominic knew about the music bank, knowing she has been in the entertainment industry. Perhaps the block identifies she doesn't know the group. He added I didn't get angry, because the group is not known by everyone, and perhaps her knowledge of the word TOTO may have sounded like human woman private part he ended.,  

News: Photos Of Angel Henry Junior Ogar Morning Breakfast In A Food Store

I used 30 minutes to take a hot fish roll in Blooming Chicken, A food store 500 foot away from my house where I live. Before I had the breakfast which was 200 Naira ($0.55). I intended to pay with the pos from my ATM card, but I was told I could only purcahse items above  500 Naira ($1.38)  The last time I had made a purchase from the store I spent 1,550 Naira ($4.29) without asking the minimum spend limit on the payment system. I took photos before and after going inside the store for breakfast.

Angel Henry Comic - Angel Henry Starts Comic Series To Play Like Spider Man

My Comic Series will be an exceptional play of characters and I will make sure it grabs your attention. The comic 'Arch Angel Henry' Which will roll on the internet constantly on dates will complete its photo captures and character presence Before the month ends. The play is in action, and will use Photographs for its display on both scenes and Head shots. The action in fighting will use graphic works and editing from photography and will curtail tricks and animation where possible. I love the comics, but this will be of Cartoon like or human presentation as I am yet to decide, but I want it to stare Like Spider Man, and other comics.

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