Arch Angel Michael Evil Angel Henry Junior Ogar is a strong spiritual Angel, who receives slaps almost everyday from an unknown spirit. He sees the stick demons, bird demons and Torturers. All this mentioned demons are the attackers as he started his journey to become an Angel. It started from his cradle, when he prays to become an Angel and join the Holy Angels in Heaven. Jesus never gave him the chance, and the Creator then was surprised that the little boy wants to go back to heaven. This caused a little anger from his parents to why Angel Henry Junior Ogar wants to go back to heaven. He didn't already knew that he was born dead and already an Angel. This demons continue to come till today, even when Angel Henry Junior Ogar teleport to Heaven for request of people prayers he has mediated for. He worked closely with Jesus, Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel, Angel Uriel, Lucifer, the devil, Belzebub and several other Angels he doesn't even recall the names. Th...