
On A Saturday Morning Angel Henry Junior Ogar And Funke Akindele In Love

Nigeria female actress Funke Akindele is in love with an angel, as
Angel Henry Junior Ogar told internet sources that he has been seeing
Funke Akindele's face after seeing her in his dream. He said that the
feelings he sees her having is love and he is still feeling that way
even after waking up from sleep. He Checked Google and found out she
is married with kids so perhaps the feelings is because she likes him
and the weather brought her good feelings this morning. Funke Akindele
is not in any music video as Angel Henry Junior Ogar checked but he is
surprised to which music video he found her singing in from his dream.
Angel Henry Junior Ogar, then complained that the only joy she will
not have now is seeing him at that moment only if she flies on a plane
an listen to Angel Henry Junior Ogar music.


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