
Angel Henry Junior Ogar In The Middle Of Popularity

After my first single, i was sure i will become popular, because i had
the zeal and energy which I continued with the exposure of my first
album Grace. Grace is to me the Grace from the creator as the song got
adorable audience on first week of promotion. the single especially
Shake It. Shake It got an exposure to over 5000 people, and the result
was a boost for my album. During my album recording i didnt have an
idea what it feels like to become popular, then i got 6000 fans from
the exposure of my album to come. This is a great start for me as a
new musician, although i need the aid of a marketing company to
showcase my songs compilation and another to distribute my album CD.
This can be very stressful, especially when you are new to the music
business but my aim and purpose is to get my angelic status which is
for people to adore and cherish me and my works and in turn i will
perform miracles for them.


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See results about Angel Henry (Musical artist) Songs: GBEDU, Shake It, Love, Track, Back to God, Dance Albums: Grace

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