
The Episode Five And Six Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

All the members of the Apriyuo have now become weak people and the whole members of Rioper are elevated. This has left Ach Angel Henry in a happy but incomplete happiness because he is yet to understand why the creatures came to their city. All his followers and Rioper followers now have an immured stated to death except strong magical sorcery that could varnish them for eternity. This made Rioper a happy person, knowing anyone who went to eternity from a good side survives but a bad person is burnt in volcanic fluid, which burns to ashes in few seconds what it comes in contact with. Every thing the Apriyuo members do, now remain silent as Tado plans to lead them in fear of Apriyuo vengeance for taking his woman. This has been the reason behind Tadoā€™s weakness, because he never stood strong after Apriyuo attacked him years ago because of his female follower. However, the rumor behind it is that Tado and Apriyuo have a secret deal to remain alive and help each other find a true source of immortality and they have leaved in fear of attacking each other but did not like themselves. The whole rumor became exposed when a spy was able to scan the entire clan of Apriyuo and Tado using their new space technology that the Apriyuo and Tado team have never developed. Tadoā€™s only fear is that he never made any agreement with Apriyuo to lead his team whenever he is away. The feud grew stronger from Tadoā€™s original team with the magic Arch Angel Henry created with Guilo, which invokes and forcefully gets the truth from the spirit of a team manipulator. The magic will never work on Rioper and Arch Angel Henry because they are now immune to any negative spell. It was written at the entrance of the spiritual creator principle furnace that anyone who enters the furnace will only be known physically but no information will be remembered mentally or in the sprit world about their mentor or manipulators, and that they are now manipulated by the creator self. The Creator self appeared to Rioper as he continued to attack the Tadoā€™s original team with the magic to force their manipulator secret out which told him that it is illegal and he may loose some of his men. Unknowingly, this is a test from the Creator to ensure that he knew what he is doing or not and fortunately for the Rioper  followers, their previous mentor is intelligent and knew what he is doing, because he never stooped forcing the secret. At 12 midnight after the magic continued, Arch Angel Henry is grateful that Rioper who is a former military agent of that time as a sergeant, knew little about his idea but did not say a word, waiting for the original statement form Arch Angel Henry because in their world, anything you find out yourself will make you stronger. The team became strong on their own as ghost and the element in them grew stronger as they uncovered new secret that Tado  has a different plan to create a new world with a female goddess  that was kidnapped by higher spirits and kept in the years before the origin of Tadoā€™s time. If Tado unlocks the goddess, the three spirits that arrested her will fall to his knees and serve him forever which is a manipulating magic that caused a lot of animal slaughter for sacrificial purposes. The ruler of the town where Arch Angel Henry lived before took no sides but decided to strengthen his spirit self alone in a room for seven weeks. During the seven weeks, he learnt how to disappear fully and how to use swords magic. Little of his skills were human, and he is able to keep secret with himself out of the entire group to avoid being a weak person in the spirit world. In the Arch Angel Henry world, they will keep no secret, but remain like posters knowing nothing about anything and only grow stronger. Tado, wasted no time when he discovered that the Angels have found his secret from his fast demon locked in Tubt after he found the place to be interesting. Anyone who uses magic also reflects partially on Tubt and the information is sent to the leader of his group. Secretly, Rioper trained a faster demon known as Deriu who lived with her carpenter father and knew how to use the hammer and saw for destruction of the demonic forces against them without the knowledge of anyone about it, Deriu became a winner type of spirit because she moves 5 seconds per 20 foot as she swings and is very fast than the whole team. Her position for Rioper became very dangerous and they never found out these two spirits Deriu and Robik who is an angel of Tado, were lovers in the old world. After a first fight At Tubt, they broke out of it and became partners and what they did was to run out of the town and o business with their powers. They made a billion Naira without any time wasted as they manufactured gas/electronic systems, created banking insurance with the new town that looks like a park. This park gave them 100,000 daily as they get above a thousand people coming to buy gas and electricity wares in a day selling for 100 Naira and below. They began to set the team up without any question as to break away and fake their death. They were able to create a gadget that looks like human robot from the creator furnace and dressed like lawyer at all times in the outer city during this time. During their operation, Robik became the attorney general of the new city he formed in the park and had a capacity of 60,000 people with different jobs in lawyer and banking which helped them to negotiate business properly. 10,000 People were employed in the first 20 days and the city had a capacity of 150,000 people with insurance on motorcycle accident lawyer Texas type of loan which grants each business participant insurance grant, loan grant and a cheap lawyer. After the completion of the robotic gadget, it is mounted in Tubt and it is a conference calling system that speaks with the robot owners on any request. The trick to deceive the owners of this spirits was stopped by Arch Angel Henry and Angel Henrifa who spies a lot and they were able to negotiate a deal but stood out of the fight and joined the world who knew nothing of it. Arch Angel Henry, became a very quiet spirit with his father trying to discuss the plan of Tubt angels with him and saying since the fight is not very tough to stop them from daily activities, they can quit what start a business and influence a city also but tackle Tado out of it continuously. The plan is nice Rioper says but only if you learn trading from the cloud close to Tubt to avoid Tado finding out our plan, because if he does we will fall and there will be a worldā€™s war. Tado is very smart, and already traded weapons to a city close to a town he saw the goddess. But his smartness was dumb as he tries to collect the weapons with a trading for them to act movies. The whole fight was very strong but they still engaged in serious business. At this time, Tado own 24 billion Naira, but never above Rioper who earns 100,000 000 Naira in a week from his secret towers in Illinois a state in America, and he had an Illinois Mesothelioma lawyer who manages the business of trading food credit weekly to millions of schools and art schools for over a decade. The only person left is Arch Angel Henry, and his mother said she never told him when he was little because he will not understand, but her hair was the completion that took the goddess to arrest by three trading spirits who were angry that she did not give them a sign that she had a competitor for her products and their trading caused war as the best selling product instead of Guilo. The spirit now being challenged by Tado is a trap to release her to partner with Guilo in the hair business which earned her 500,000,000 Naira annually. The trap is to varnish Tado and have a peaceful world with business tycoons and plumbers who made a million dollar daily fixing and treating pipes with software for one million people and more daily. The people in each city with water, paid 1 dollar daily and they had about one million people registered to them.
The new plan is very clear that Apriyuo came to expose Tado and Arch Angel Henry became very sure that the truth about the city attack and his former town attack is Tado, not Apriyuo but Apriyuo is power driven which caused the fight and he is also confused not knowing if Rioper and his men are attached to Tado because they have the same power. The journey of the war of Arch Angel Henry to own a business cloud began with the aid of Angel Henrifa as they sailed beyond the city with a magical boat and were able to construct a space like ship that stays on the cloud for 30 days and comes down twice after 10 days to refill. In the journey, Angel Henrifa became a trading mogul in the data networks and won billions yearly as Arch Angel Henry developed software and devices that generate money for the users and they were happy if they hit a lot of money. He made Billions annually also. The secret of his trading entered insurance with plumber and Tubt angels who went into darkness as they gathered more money. The casino in the current city is trading handled by Rioper followers. Apriyuo made an appearance to Tado and asked him to quit the fight that there is no power and Rioper has a bond with maker which he refused and asked Apriyuo to cut off from their deal t find power. The truth is that this is all he wanted, a setup to know if there is money in the other world. This he found out and Apriyuo asked for his money for staging as a spy to the Rioper which Tado paid over 500 million Naira for 5 days. The relationship with Tado and the goddess grew stronger and she admired Tado forgetting what the three spirits offered her. At the midnight, Tado developed a slimy substance that faded visions of the moon that kept the spirit in confidence and released the goddess taking her into the fifth world were he sold weapons and trading movie almost began. Before leaving, he left a serial time bomb that will explode 7 hours after he leaves. This exploded in the city of Rioper, but the weapon detection melted the act and it only made a big hole in the middle of the city sea. Tado in the new world became a king and forgot about the torments for a while.  Apriyuo who only appears now became another trouble again, trying to come to Arch Angel Henry world, because the whole feeling he has is to destroy and not any plan to make peace. He came with more tormenting spirit and more terrible creatures after acquiring a lot of evil powers from the place he was varnished to. He appeared in Arch Angel Henryā€™s room as he came down with his space ship and fought with him till Arch Angel Henry defeated him by striking him hard on his back heel where he hid his power. This is unknown to Angel Henrifa who became a loosing person during fights with demons from Apriyuo without knowing why. She gave up and died as Apriyuo demon attacks continuously. Now a spirit, she needs to begin a negotiation with the creator, because she died and became invisible to some angels and several other demons.

Episode Six ā€“ Arch Angel Henry Comic

With Angel Henrifa gone, Arch Angel Henry continued to make his way look more improvised, with gadgets and new magic. This gave rise to the powers of Apriyuo and Tado, as Apriyuo looked for ways to become physical in the world of Arch Angel Henry, but Angel Jaideniy never relented as she became a very strong prowess. She never imagined anything would happen to Angel Henrifa but this did not make her weak or less active as she heard every conversation about her new world from any angle the person has planned to attack. The soon became clear that the reason the attacked occurred in the other town they lived is because the powers of Apriyuo and Tado emerged and the unit became destruction as they both tried to destroy the town, hoping that if they do so, they will become gods and the hole city and neighboring town would bow for them which will enable them make people their tools for more destruction in the entire world. Rioper on the other had told Guilo, that he will visit Tubt, to find out if the angel came back, and this caused a little trouble when he realized Arch Angel Henry had hidden something from him about the two Angels that had ran away from the Tubt. The place was exposed to Apriyuo and Tado who planned to team up again after the passage was made available by the goddess for Apriyuo to enter the city again.  On his entrance, he realized that the whole place changed, then he was able to disguise the goddess Ricku, who went in to spy on the whole place that Rioper lived. She had the powers of Rioper angels and this was annoying because she was left with the power when she was chained in exile. At the time of her exile, they were able to vanquish powers but Guilo had asked them not to because it may cause harm when she is attacked by external spirits. This was the reason she saw it all as a set up, for her to be exiled. The goddess brutally attacked the guards of Rioper without conscience and she knew so many of them were hurt and weak, as only one of their kinds could fight them to this stage. When goddess Ricku was being sent to exile, nobody knew the strength of her powers that was why it was left. Leaving the place of Rioper, she left a message saying that even if Rioper had tried to vanquish the spirit or power in her, it would le to his death because the creator gave it to her, before she was sent to exile. This is the first time Rioper is left out of the loop of anything happening and not even Tubt will reveal it this time. Rioper became offended not knowing what to do so he called for Arch Angel Henry, to find out if they had an unfinished mission. Now goddess Ricku, began to observe that  Rioper  may soon find out she is immoral, and perhaps will be the creator in disguise coming down as a goddess to make things go just the simple way it should be between the angels, and all the spiritual people to avoid more fights. Every day, Rioper will check Tubt for 3 days until Arch Angel Henry told him of a little boy who was left at the previous town to avoid her destruction due to spirit and serpent attack which erupted during their stay. They were hidden and were unable to travel because the boy was too little and the travel was because of a war. Arch Angel Henry   was able to confirm that it is not Jikasoli but perhaps another person so he planned a mission to the previous town with Rioper  as they reached the town there was no one, only a serpent bitten survivor  and her child. The woman was looking so devastated because of the serpents attack made her lost all her powers, with Rioper knowing she was a weak spirit. This was the disturbing mission not knowing goddess Ricku, Arch Angel Henry, told Rioper that there could be a reason that all this release of the goddess disturbed their place and why she had their powers and was able to attack the people without fear leaving them in injury. Rioper accepted that was true.  They immediately took her and her child who is three years old to Seriav, which is also known as a healing place. The woman and she so were cleansed with magic and she regained consciousness before explaining what had happened. She said all this happened from her sleep as she fought a big serpent then woke up just to see that the serpent was in her room trying to fight even with her little magic only left her in this state. He said the serpent was able to talk, saying it will keep destroying Rioper and his followers. A mark was clearly written on its neck ā€œApriyuoā€ and she was able to summon a face in her weak state, then she pushed it to Tubt as she had once heard of it, that it is a place where spirits are invoked to. On reaching Tubt, Apriyuo escaped because he was there when they were coming. On his escape, he knew something was wrong and this made him understand that he was in danger since they got a new spirit. Apriyuo have been very good in playing tricks and magic and there is no exception knowing what he could and could not do.  The face of Apriyuo showed in Tubt and when they saw the face, they were able to trace back when and where he was during the serpent attack, because they knew before they left the town it was clean of every serpent. The woman Kiopet, said the snake never looked scared and she could feel its presence on arrival as it came severally attacking her and binding her in a weak magic that makes her want to eat up her son. She was kept in the care of Angel Jaideniy as they tried to hear what Angel Henrifa had for them. They feel her presence when the wind is cold and warm, and immediately they wait outside and look to the sky. This time she told them she will come down to them soon. Arch Angel Henry was happy to hear this, because his business had been on a hectic way. She went away and immediately it was on the notice of Arch Angel Henry,  that Apriyuo just attacked Angel Jaideniy,  right inside her home in the cloud just as she was about to give Kiopet  the varnishing serum. The Serum was taken and Apriyuo Āøpromised to return for any immortality powers hidden in here. When Rioper treated the injured angels, he realized that they were all injected with a serum that permanents immortality in their system and this transmits as a communal disease to the whole  angels after a while leaving them sick but all woke up strong. Only he noticed this, and it was remaining him, Guilo, and Arch Angel Henry to become immortals. The story got to Tado that there is immortality serum in the city and the whole place was choked with his gas to confirm this. Arch Angel Henry and Rioper, also Guilo, were humiliated running for a safety from this deadly gas which they donā€™t know was it come from. The whole place was a scare, before the angels ran out to save their mentors. Deep within the mentors Guilo, Arch Angel Henry, and Rioper were already immortal but no one even them did not know. On reaching the edge of the wall were they hid, the angels found out their mentors were some what heroes and very powerful, as they found out that they fell from the top of the wall going down but varnished right back behind them and this was an achieving success over the spiritual war and challenge with the Apriyuo and Tado.  This is now the end for Apriyuo and Tado because they do not have the chance to become immortals unless they fight with the whole team and this is not what they will achieve without the goddess. Before now, the goddess told Guilo that the only problem is pride because Tado and Apriyuo are proud that they have money and power and could rule the city in slavery which she sees as a deformity in their system. According to the old caves, it is known that one who is proud is deformed and can only have help when he gives himself up to the creator right at Tubt  else the person gets destroyed. The Tubt magic takes the person to the creator furnace and he joins Rioper and his team but this can never be achieved with the likes of Tado and Apriyuo. Rioper is one of the oldest sprit known to a lot of arches in the city and angels as well and he has a lot of respect and time for himself. Without knowing anything to say of the new development of Apriyuo and Rioper, Tado became scared and set himself up to Tubt, hoping to trick Tubt without knowing it is a plan to kidnap Angel Henrifa on her arrival to Tubt, Apriyuo talked Rioper into believing it was a give up time and they all went to Tubt. At Tubt, Arch Angel Henry was able to get a glimpse of his anger seeing his attackers who has harmed a lot of people, talking of a peace with them. He only knew that there will be a pain back to the wicked but does not know how this will be carried out by the creator. The creator decides all finally Arch Angel Henry concluded and after waiting for sometime, Angel Henrifa, arrived from the sky ad the whole place became exciting because she came with few angels who were humans during Apriyuo attack in the previous town. The original plan is to kidnap the son of Kiopet, knowing fully well that no one will be at the attention of her son because they will focus on the peace and forget about every other thing. The trick of the exposure of kidnapping Angel Henrifa was set up by the followers of Apriyuo because they were active already after his return. The whole place was filled up with deception and the followers of Apriyuo sneaked into the chambers of Kiopet and the child was kidnapped with the unawareness of Rioper, and others present at Tubt. There at Tubt, Apriyuo and Tado varnished despite the set up of magic from Kiopet, with no one knowing. They used gas that mad the child collapsed and took him away.  Apriyuo, Planned to use child for a sacrifice because there is a sign that he is the one with an amazing star, after the serpent had attacked Kiopet. The missing child soon was discovered missing when they returned to the chambers and could not discover anything like a baby in there anymore. Rioper was shocked at the deception and he summoned all his angels that they were going to fight back the attack immediately and after sometime Angel Henrifa thought of joining them with her angels which was not the plan, as she was told to remain and guard the city since she just returned. The whole place was empty only for them to appear at the place of visibility in Apriyuo world and saw that there was no one there, and then Rioper saw a message that the baby will be used for sacrifice and he has an amazing star however, they will never be found. This is a new trick Rioper thought, but it didnā€™t make him weak and the whole place erupted leaving them on a much higher land where they saw Apriyuo and his people above the soil on the other side with a big hole separating them.


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