
Music Class And Meditation Led My Music Start Up After Listening To Le Ann Rhymes

I like Le Ann Rhymes Black Eyes Blue Eyes song, it makes me feel so understanding, and close to Le Ann Rhymes. I listened to her songs a lot before i became a musician on the mic. Usually i will sing quietly and then run to press the play button on u Dad's old CD Player, then loud it and stay out of my house to listen how loud it will sound and if it makes the sound. I do this a lot when listening to 'Solo' Crew but for Le Ann Rhymes i just stay a little far away and listen to it because its very interesting to hear her voice from a distance. Then i began meditating with my creator to give the voice and coordination to sing. This took me long to understand, before studying music in a class. I meditate on the D r m a lot and learnt the flute which i can still use to sing my National Anthem. I like L;e Ann Rhyme Songs Angel Henry Junior Ogar continued saying he meditates for as long as an hour then try to sing and  little till he became perfect now He can even create a song within a minute without the breath exercise relief sign.

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