The beginning bore me as a child with the name Henry Junior
Ogar, This name grew so popular and I wondered what will become of me. I acted a
lot of dramas and wrote a lot of letter and tricked people to
Make them laugh. I began the whole Angel life without
knowing because it seemed I was covered in a clothing spiritually. The first
time I heard this revelation, I doubted it but doubting it made no difference.
I began to speak in tongues and deliver people off their spiritual attack. The
prophet who did the prayer that unveiled my clothed cover said it was a
spiritual attack. He is a Catholic so I never doubted. Even if it was not a
Catholic person I wonāt doubt because I saw the sign myself. I was not present
during fight with the Queen of the coast and snakes but he overcomes them. At
that time, I saw spirits as they dance round a tree in a town in Abuja.
I believed all these were a trailing spirit but I never knew
which spirit it was. I fought with succubus, and naked spirits just to discover
recently the Queen of Heaven even cook in my ceiling. I kept all s quiet to
myself, until I saw and discovered the Creator could also be evil and can
torment just like other spirits. Then I realized that I am being hunted by the past I also saw a magician put g into wine bottle which is
difficult and impossible unless with magic. The eggs were normal sized Chicken
eggs. I also felt Jesus passing by, and my center table then tore into two with
a line, just the table lining wooden designed cover. The story of me and Sprits
is a big fight and experience you will like to stand and even hear. All my life
I have been in the existence of creatures that appears in human forms and
spirits. Sometimes I donāt see you but you see me.