Camilla Cabello |
Camila Cabello have developed interest in
Angel Henry from telepathy as Angel Henry Junior said she ask him to expose their act, which he did, making her buttocks look like his and her face half way like his. She became quiet excited, but never said if she loves Angel Henry but only asked how they could see, Angel Henry then made her to feel comfortable saying when his bank gets filled up he may fly to
Cuba. They were both thinking of getting closer to themselves with hugs and kisses. Angel Henry never reported anything of their mutuality further, but only told Vmo to address readers that Love is general even for Angels, the only difference is being servant of God to humans and several other fight daily with demons. He refused to expose if Camila Cabello is an
Angel or not.
Angel Henry series
Angel Henry
Camila Cabello
Episodes Created by Alan Dish
Story written by Angel Henry
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion.
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard
Program creator - Angel Henry
Copyright - Angel Henry 2019