Selena Gomez |
Selena Gomez and I have been talking with telepathy and we enjoyed, i

even called out my number my number for her with a great difficulty
and she noted it down, even before then we had communicated
continuously with ourselves with same telepathy on twitter. Recently
our communication may have posed a threat of break up between Selena
and Justin Beiber.
Angel Henry said him and Selena Gomez
made a relationship work out with
telepathy, and this would
have broken her relationship with
Justin Beiber. When Justin got an
idea of what may have been happening, and almost left the
relationship. No update yet about Angel Henry and Selena Gomez.
Angel Henry series
Angel Henry
Selena Gomez
Justin Beiber
Episodes Created by Alan Dish
Story written by Angel Henry
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion.
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard
Program creator - Angel Henry
Copyright - Angel Henry 2019