Angel Henry finally opens up about the conspiracy of being in love. Angel Henry told no one of loving anyone but accepts that there is a stare at Roman Abramovich's daughter and and unknown girl from the city. |
Sofia Abramovich |
The unknown girl who happened to pose with a stare on seeing her first, happen to bring up a family like gathering the next day as if he met with a God. Angel Henry is being cool with both chicks to avoid more conspiracy of being in love without any physical approach, despite Sofia Abramovich Blocking Angel Henry on twitter, and the unknown girl making a gesture like its a fake love, they are still strong on wining Angel Henry's Heart through telepathy.
- Created by Alan Dish
- Story written Angel Henry
- Screen display by Ethan Jeff
- Theme by Ralla Passion.
- Story editor - VMO Web
- Program creator - Angel Henry
Copyright - Angel Henry 2019