
Angel Henry admires Michael Jackson - Angel Henry Says Michael Jackson’s Greatness Can Make You Bow (episode 2)

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Michael Jackson
Angel Henry Says Michael Jackson’s Greatness an Make You Bow. Angel Henry Junior Ogar appreciated Michael Jackson’s music as Vmo questioned Angel Henrywhy he likes the song “Smooth Criminal” telling the internet company that Michael Jackson’s songs have this motivation to pull you forward. He was amazed when Vmo spoke of the songs to him as he appreciated them saying you can even bow to Michael Jackson when you listen to his songs with believe of listening to good music. His dance is creative and till his death He was remembered as a pop icon. Michael Jackson’s attire is always looking attractive in a shiny luster with his records being among the top sold world records of 105 million copies. All the accomplishment of Michael Jackson bought big values and assets which till today offers a great name to his family. Despite several scandals, he was able to come through as a legend and so many musicians admire him even Angel Henry  he stated. His dance moves were the most difficult, and even Mus of “Step Up” can confirm that from his unique steps perhaps he may have tried Michael’s move for some time without getting it perfectly. When Angel Henry heard from Mus in Telepathy, He confirmed he had tried it and it was difficult and till today, no one knows how he plays that trick of bending with a full length forward without support. Michael Jackson happened to be one of the greatest musicians of all time and today he is portrayed as an Angel in some pictures, with no doubt he is one because he was as good and entertaining as Angels will be. Separated from the Jackson Five he joined Sony Music before his departure to see the creator and has also come down few times to minister and encourage Angel Henry. It’s amazing how I see Michael Jackson, till today and sometimes I wonder if he is the only one who sees them. Not knowing how to get a grasp of the image of his spirit in angel form when he comes, all I do is make a report about it on the internet for people to still know he lives on. Michael Jackson’s death had rumors his doctor injected him to die, and some say his surgery killed him, but his great music were not forced and any critic should be a person not a fan of his music. As a fan of a musician, and can not tell what happened to him then one can not be called a true fan Angel Henry  said. Michael Jackson have told me not to get worried with things I see as it comes deceitful but one thing everyone should know is that there is a manipulator behind your brain who you can not defeat and that life ends when you want it. As an Angel, one can not say a person is trying to use him to appear to someone because the maker does not accept such act and will be offended.
Angel Henry series

Angel Henry 
Michael Jackson
Jackson Five

Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019

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