
Entertainment News: Angel Henry buys $18,000 Kia Seltos 2020 car

Hip-hop and rap musician Angel Henry today revealed his newly acquired Kia Seltos car that cost him $18,000 United States.
Angel Henry in a burger shop - Camera photos

The Canadian - Nigerian musician have been flaunting news and episode drama in 2019 about a Kia 2019 model which he didn't give clear statement if he bought it or not. When asked today about his Kia 2019 model, he replied saying that the car was meant for concert travels but he didn't get any public concert.

Perhaps the car never got driven according to his reply but it's a different story today after seeing him rocking his Kia 2020 Seltos model in Canada. Angel Henry who have been living a secret celebrity lifestyle went to a Burger shop after which he got the burger ate it and took photos in the restaurant. On leaving, he was captured on far view in his new Kia Seltos 2020 model.
Angel Henry Kia Seltos 2020 car

Kia Seltos 2020 Interior

The photo was cool but a clearer view was needed which made the camera man to ask for Angel Henry interior which was refused but it was later exposed that Angel Henry sent the camera man a message with the interior of the car but never exposed his face. He was later reported to share a tweet saying he is going official soon.


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