
The Episode Eight Of Arch Angel Henry Comic In Series One

The mission will be a failure Jikasoli shout aloud but no one saw him because the airy place looked like fog covered everywhere. This is the best feeling I ever had Jikasoli claimed saying they will find out soon that he came to help and not to destroy. The other followers of Rioper carried Apriyuo and Tado as they moved in the air with a floating magic and airy cloud covering them, they began to feel there was a missing person and just as they concluded asking each other, they saw some of Apriyuo followers flying from before them and attacking with little spears holding close the little child that was forgotten behind during their escape from their chambers. The small child was always bait Rioper thought and now he is a king for their attack. The feelings the people have was to eliminate the child but Rioper was cautious to say it may be that the child does not know himself and is only being used for distraction. The fight was fierce and those holding the captives flew faster further and remained behind the free followers of Arch Angel Henry and Rioper. Angel Henrifa was becoming fast in her new magic because the whole place kept feeling tougher as she went through days after her return. The air fight saw some men of Apriyuo dropping to the ground, because they were immortals and could not sustain air. This fight is just to make us immortal, why not negotiate with us let us have peace. This offer was rejected by Rioper and the rest of his followers who were fighting with him accepted and they kept on moving with the child snatched by Angel Jaideniy. The child may become a good fighter if he is not corrupted already with the spell of Apriyuo and the rest of his group. Make a way! Make a way! Rioper screamed aloud as he entered a new city called Iwopeu.  The Iwopeu   people already know Rioper to be a defended and not a kidnaper but were surprised to see that he came with people this time. This is the first time he replied their surprise and may be the last if cowards like this are thrown out to the beast who seeks to destroy our living environment always. This is the first time? Guilo whispered, recalling goddess Ricku saying she was silently kidnapped she teased Rioper. This was captured by Apriyuo as he began to smile towards Tado and Jikasoli along with Kiopet.  Kiopet was already noticed by  Guilo  to have disguised herself as an old woman before the setup by  JikasoliĀø and she never knew making this a little not scary about her new looks to her. After Rioper kept the captives inside a barn and tied them up, they were not attended to by anybody except the trusted angels. His is a very nice place Apriyuo began to say with pride. Not letting anyone know his secret. The day grew dark and Rioper decided to have a chat with Apriyuo and this was the right time Jikasoli was waiting for when he will remember Rioper that they will have a chat. The chat was only about how they will tell the secret of what was to happen and how it will happen because the Rioper suspected something will happen soon and it involves them all but these two evil will not let it out. Now the whole secret will only get revealed if we discuss Apriyuo  said and then  Rioper  refused because there was no way he will negotiate with evil. As this will be a call out from following if he dares. The secret in Apriyuo now got out to Rioper as he said I will not tell the people that you kidnapped goddess ā€œKiopetā€ if only you let me go away.  Rioper laughed and said the people will never believe you Apriyuo because is a good person and have been a good person and no one will believe you that you know a secret about me and the city.  This is a funny trick Rioper kidnapping us and letting us stay captive because you are wicked. Rioper asked what the wickedness was all about and the whole people in the rom screamed out aloud at the same time. It is the goddess, a faint voice said from the cloud close to Rioper let the captives go and I will tell you a lot about your son now and only him will be a victim no more of the angels until they are restored to a place you will find out two nights from here. This is a difficult situation for Rioper but he used the opportunity to strike a deal with Apriyuo without the fear of loosing following trust because if a message goes out6 to the people that he kidnapped he goddess, some of the bad people ion the town will no longer believe in Rioper. Now Rioper will attain more respect if he let these people go and listen to goddess Ricku who will bring back his son. This is a new plan he told all his followers d they understood immediately and said nothing except to hail him and gave him the go ahead. The goddess now varnished and these people who were held captives without knowing the reason fort their release held strong to the deal for a set up even if they have been granted freedom. The people were also allowed to live freely in the city with the people and along with Rioper and the angels, this is the first time that this have ever happened to them. Immediately, Apriyuo had to join the bad group in the city and he began to tell them about the kidnap of the goddess long time ago. The story gathered a lot of people and he began to train them faster again. It was very easy for Apriyuo to train people to follow him as this is what Rioper found out by sending one of his angels to investigate how he gets the followers so fast and they donā€™t think of leaving. Tado is also with him with Kiopet and Jikasoli. The angel went close and found out that he uses hallucination and poison in the food that is prepared for them ĀøHere Kiopet, knows how to cook and she made food every evening whenever the people gathered poisoning it with liquids and portions to keep them coming back. When Rioper got this message, he became alert and needed to follow up some paths in the city where he followed before when he was here. Apriyuo does not know that Rioper has a business in the city that made him popular but he found out as soon as he saw a tag on a plate with R symbol. He followed it up with anxiousness and surprise and he was held by one of the business people to be careful because Rioper is respected in the city and no one will like to be a victim of Rioper as his enemy.  Apriyuo accepted the freedom by letting searches about Rioper to end and this made him to have a free night before his son arrival and the goddess Ricku.  Goddess Ricku has warned already that on Arch Angel Henryā€™s arrival, the whole city notices and no one should be scared of his followers because the goddess Ricku herself recruited them and will be a great danger to anyone who attacks. This was written and placed at different corners of the city and after that was done, the whole city quietly awaited Arch Angel Henry return so they can join and begin to know who he is and after all the wait, it was noon at the next day and the cloud was gathering after which thunder struck continuously and at its strike, Arch Angel Henry  dropped down the sky with his hand down and alter this had happened the whole city began to destroy evil charms not working and came close to Arch Angel Henry. This got Apriyuo and Tado very angry. Knowing this will bring disgrace to the Apriyuo followers and Tado followers left, the whole group left with their master. But he never took any body from the newly formed people with him which are definitely a trap when he let them all know who he was referring to as the person who kidnapped the goddess. The people in the village only knew that the goddess was kidnapped but never spoke of it on their own. The whole people who Apriyuo and Tado were able to gather were now on a belief that the cause of their suffering is the person who kidnapped the goddess and the goddess have caused their world without their notice. This person they felt about is Rioper but he has been unable to depict if it was a scare or not. Arch Angel Henry followers now gathered people also and they now knew more about him and some of the believers of Apriyuo were encouraged with this new person and ignored Apriyuo story while the others refused saying why is an angel round when the goddess have cursed them and they needed to know who made the goddess curse them so that they can use him for purpose of cleansing which will make the people free from evil and any curse. This angered the leader of the city even more as this time he asked for the person who told them the story and that they should bring him forth to uncover the person who kidnapped the goddess. Rioper have been scare the new leader is different from the leader of the city when he was here and he may pose a threat to their stay in the city because he will join forces with the evil Apriyuo and the other evil people. The sty soon became the story of the town and the whole people were unable to understand what was going o and why they have sent for the person who was luring a war in their midst. The truth about the scare and why the person was summoned by the city leader is because he had night mares and he is unable to sleep ever since. On the arrival of Apriyuo and Tado,  the whole place echoed a huge storm and this is how the place should never have been and the city people were gathered when immediately, The city leader asked them to say who is the person that kidnapped the goddess and as the name was proclaimed, The people in shock were surprise and at a standstill but after few seconds they turned and attack the followers of Rioper  and the rest of his group including him saying this is why he ran away before but not all believed this. Rioper and his followers disappeared and Apriyuo became the next big name of the city for a while and he ran the affairs how he wanted, sending all Rioper business men away with the business under his claim. This angered them but their savings as Rioper is a billionaire stated a new business n a land they created alike a boarder across the city. After Rioper have left the city, the people were unhappy because it did not change the curse and they questioned themselves saying what if the man was here to fix the curse. Now the business people became stronger with more money in the bank as Rioper business has a lot of profit selling too many cities from the boarders since this is goods others do not have. Apriyuo heard of this and became angry and planned to destroy the business men, when Rioper heard of it, he created a cloud city for them and they did invincible business and were happy for this reward. The business men were on a journey of immortality and the people knew all of this that when the business men become immortals they could do home delivery and wireless services with them and this will make the customers happy.


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