
gods and goddesses - Angel Henry Met With An Evil Claiming And Pressurizing To Be The Creator (episode 2)

Angel Henry met with an evil and scary creature that came from a far distance after ignoring every single person at Night. The creature who normally comes from behind his body and crawls up his face showing Angel Henry it face  is not new, but the new appearance was a different conversation, as most times it comes but Angel Henry is unable to tell what it is, because another evil creature appears also trying to torment Angel Henry. Angel Henry was able to cast the other evil away and now seeing the new evil clearly and conversation in a scary manner, it said Angel Henry investigated what is not meant to, by trying to know why the evil takes people life and where it happens. This however was not the communication end, as Angel Henry then used its present to request for magic money after the conversation about Angel Henry investigating a wrong evil path came to an end. Before this, Angel Henry has seen a person discussing with another whom Angel Henry was not sure what the other evil is but over heard their communication saying someone was not in a god mood and has a misunderstanding, perhaps anther also wants to die. Now Angel Henry was only able to find out from the internet that the person whom the other creature was invincibly talking to was a description of God  in an image 
Image result for God
God Image: Google Images
but Angel Henry unable to find the main evil that a discussion of money was made. This evil has the powers to suck out powers an strength and mostly leaves the body in an uninteresting state. Angel Henry have been in communication with the new evil which a photo can not be found but looks weary and scary on the internet. This evil during the light also said there have been many deception and asked Angel Henry to bow down and worship it but Angel Henry had refused because there is no known identity of it. However, Angel Henry had later bowed to it on the time of typing the post saying the evil has a lot of powers meaning respect must be given to it. Perhaps even if its a dreadful evil it is still under the maker and due honor shroud be given to it. This made the evil skeptical on answering Angel Henry's free money request, and also told Angel Henry it is the MAKER you hear of and worship you see, because there is no power greater than it. Even if all the prophets and teachers and lords have made miracle even Jesus, how many have ever made a free money or bread request people pray for. On the other hand, Angel Henry is saying a money also appeared in Edward Ogar's account who is his father here on earth and later the money disappeared but there is no confirmation i it is a setup of someone manipulating Edward's account to test if Angel Henry truly sees the maker. Angel Henry says there is a sure word and claim that the money that appeared in Edward's account is magic to him stating the account should have been empty as recalled from the banking last transaction. The evil also took Angel Henry to another place 
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Google Image: God photo
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The "Evil-God Challenge": Google Images
showing Angel Henry another person on a throne which Angel Henry confirmed that an image representing this view was also found on the internet. All these signs were just to confirm to Angel Henry that there is a MAKER, and the name God may just be what is understood and what the Maker wants to preview itself as to people. Believing in God will draw you closer but knowing there is no God but a Maker will open your heart to the Light. God is actually a thought.


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