
News: Angel Henry Conspiracy Of Ibrahim Babangida Beign God And Muhammadu Buhari As Spirit

Angel Henry has not only encountered Angels, devil and God but also Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida popularly known as IBB. In the year between 2010-2017, Angel Henry encountered IBB when he recalled a face appearing in form of a person telling him to keep smiling. This was not very clear as to whom it was, because Angel Henry had also encountered the devil telling him it will come to visit. Angel Henry hoever, concluded it was IBB because he is goo at recallin faces and in 2014, this happened again when IBB was telling Angel Henry he was God. This now prompted Angel Henry to assume it may have been IBB'S Influence in Nigeria talking to him and perhaps not the IBB in person. The theory have been for long as IBB being a past Military leader of the country and he may have done some great things which led to his happiness and which may have been an influence to children growing however. Angel Henry only later accepted IBB being God which is a normal pheno,enom as to giving credit to the creators image being in people.
Ibrahim Babangida (cropped).jpg
 ā€ŽIbrahim Badamasi Babangida
Image result for Muhammadu Buhari'
Muhammadu Buhari
This is interesting however, because Angel Henry saw IBB'S magic in trance of how he can form a praying bead on the cloud. Angel Henry also said that Muhammadu Buhari who is the President of Nigeria in 2018 has also encountered with Angel Henry in many routes in wich Angel Henry was searching for the Maker of the world. however, Muhammadu Buhari's appearance in Angel Henry's House in trance and dream only signified he came as a spirit and wanted to explode Angel Henry's head with explosives, but in physical to Angel Henry this later meant that Muhammadu Buhari was only asking Angel Henry to let the cat out of the bag of what he knows perhaps as message from the MAKER OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH Angel Henry sent in letter format to the Aso Rock in 2017-2018.


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