
Luxury - Angel Henry Wins Grammy With A Wrist Watch Worth ₦259,999 (Episode 4)

Angel Henry wins a Grammy Award as a new Grammy Wrist watch is added to Angel Henry Luxury. According to Angel Henry when met, Angel Henry exclaimed saying "A wrist watch worth about  300,000 was shipped to me."  The watch was surely from Konga because I saw the logo on it. Konga Is Cool, Nice delivery.

There is no doubt of the expectations that were on Angel Henry's face, as it showed exactly how it felt to receive a brand new Gucci Watch from another person. The watch was sent from a listener to the "Gbedu" Single who attached a note saying:

Perhaps, the LADY needed this wrist watch for another guy or maybe she felt like wearing a guys watch and I think you should see her again.

Click here to get this particular watch for yourself or Loved one

This is awesome. Who would think of a Gucci Grammy Watch worth  259,999 for an artist for compliments and asking that the real drama goes live. Amazing but Angel Henry was more surprise than you, you know. I called in late to find out just how the artist Angel Henry is doing, but only to find out Angel Henry is richer with a Gucci watch. Angel Henry told me that the person who sent thee watch was meant to be an investor but the real deal is not known yet.

You really need to come back again to check on what this investor got in his pocket, and do not forget to share this lovely Angel Henry news with your social mates with a click on the share button above this post by the right.

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Angel Henry series 

Angel Henry
Uche Mary 

Episodes Created by Alan Dish 
Story written  by Angel Henry  
Screen display by Ethan Jeff 
Theme by Ralla Passion.  
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard  
Program creator - Angel Henry  

Some stories are fictional and Some images and names are Copyright items of Google/Wikipedia.


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