
Celebrity Lifestyle: Angel Henry Goes Topless Testing A Samsung J5 Prime Camera In New Photos (Episode 29)

Angel Henry have sent several photos online to his personal blog including topless photos taken early morning of today. The photos were described as a check for a Samsung J5 prime camera which is said to have 13 megapixel. The camera is quite worth it, because it could be as clear as seeing even a pin on someones fave. 

I took the photos because i like it and I wanted to and now i feel like its a pixel smartness. This is awesome, but it doesn't stop me to join the Iphone users soon, or however the Nokia users still comparing gadgets though. The phone belongs to Angel Henry Kid sister Maria Claire and this is just awesome and a phone to go with, even at the buy point, Angel Henry had seen the worth and capability of the phone saying it can even be used to shoot a movie due to the clarity.

More photos below:

Angel Henry series 

Angel Henry

Episodes Created by Alan Dish 
Story written  by Angel Henry  
Screen display by Ethan Jeff 
Theme by Ralla Passion.  
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard  
Program creator - Angel Henry  

Some stories are fictional and Some images and names are Copyright items of Google/Wikipedia.


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