Tado became an
unfriendly person and even uses his own followers as baits. This caused many of
his followers to run away and the city became filled up critics and set up. Tado brought destruction and Arch Angel Henry realized there was
another reason Tado came back to
their world because he was sent off years ago and banished with magic never to
return The magic made him loose his senses if he tries to come back to back to
their old town and Arch Angel Henry was
able to discover also that the reason Tado
was found in his previous town is related to his father, āRioperā.
Rioper have refused to tell Arch
Angel Henry why he let Tado get
back into the town and why he still has powers.
Tado secret is the only story
Rioper has refuse to Arch Angel Henry. This story was kept secret for a long time and
have always been their secret but the questions arises as the whole city and
towns began to wonder why Tado and Rioper have secrets but this went to no avail as the
secret was held tight. The news about Tado and Rioper spread wide and it was unbelievable why Rioper will accept a secret with Tado even after he teamed up with Apriyuo. Guilo, told Arch Angel Henry to be calm and perhaps he could later understand
but this was not easy as he thought because it was part of Arch Angel Henry mission to discover the truth behind his previous
town., Arch Angel Henry went into
the city of the traders which he has left and stayed as a spy, there he
uncovered nothing except for a person who was able to tell him that the wicked
man Tado used to have a friend called Mr. R and they fought in a time due to a business dispute, since
that time they have not talked to each other or been in good terms, but in this
recent times we hear they are business partners and even have a business
together. . Arch Angel Henry remained
confused and met with Angel Henrifa and
Angel Jaideniy who comforted him as
they became very stronger Angels. They gave him stories and encouraged him
think of his business and discuss more with his father why his father have a
companion with Tado, despite all the atrocities. Arch Angel Henry, is a person at this
time very great as many people knew him and he was scared to present himself in
public know fully well that some people will not like him because of his
father. He stayed inside and operated his business out of the world as usual
when he teleports to the outer sky to stay in his magic house. The help Angel
HENRIFA and Angel Jaideniy gave
him was to make sure he delivers his business to the extreme and make more
money. It is very important to do business in their time when they have magic,
and the only thing one avoided then was the business with people like Tado who are cheating, they always make
a way to cause problem and make things go astray. Arch Angel Henry was able to make a lot of money at this war time
but was unhappy with Rioper. When
the time floated, Arch Angel Henry Began
to Unveil truths about Angel Henrifa and
Angel Jaideniy, that they work for
an extreme goddess called Ricku. This
became his secret as he only knew a little about Ricku. Slowly he began to
understand that his father may be under that same threat because these people
look not trust worthy but yet have powers. Arch
Angel Henry now knew that his father is connected to Tado for a reason that is left known to him, same way he kept his
secret that Ricku has Angel Henrifa and Angel Jaideniy to work for her. He began to feel less secured and
went into exile to seek for the creator himself. During his exile, he began to
notice that the creator himself was a tricky person. The creator asked him to
take the people he has seen in out of existence as he did not know why they
came here, he summoned the creator and immediately the creator told him that
this people forgot themselves, became lazy and appeared here. He was surprise
to here their ordeal, but did not make a statement of it rather he did as he
was instructed. Arch Angel Henry carried
them with his new magical powers to a new city called Riiiple. This was created
close to Tubt, but about a hundred
kilometer away. The city had the people he carried from exile working
tirelessly to survive as they are being paid and forced to survive fasting and
relieving body stress with exercise. His other business set up in the new city
was already destroyed but Angel Henrifa and Angel Jaideniy managed it and continued it in another form still
earning. The money Arch Angel Henry realized
is close to the acceptance of the creators order for people to work hard and
get rich. The news of Arch Angel Henry new
city owned and managed by him given by the creator soon grew to loud news and
reached the information central or Apriyuo
and Tado. The news was shocking
to Tado because the news pamphlet
sold now carried Arch Angel Henry as
the richest youth in several cities. This raised jealousy and Pride from Apriyuo who contacted Tado and told him about his plan. Tado already learnt the art of robot
gadget making and he used it as a sign of spy this time to destroy Arch Angel Henry. Arch Angel Henry now
trains and develops his workers into near machinery as they able to for see and
attack without caution taking the people they attack into exile to suffer just
as they were suffering. The new development of Arch Angel Henry triggered partnership from many close cities and
his father Rioper was ready to see
him to know what had happened. The city is soon to be attacked by Tado and Apriyuo secretly as they have planed because they feel letting him
down will increase their powers. The attack principle changed when Angel Henrifa heard Apriyuo was about to attack a city and
she had spies in there already. The spies told her the person to be attacked is
Arch Angel Henry. At first she was
not convinced until a photo was sent to her after the spy had completed all the
investigations. She stormed the city of Apriyuo
and created a scare with a private jet she acquired. The news to attack
people in the area of Apriyuo was no
longer secret and it got him angry. On the other side, Tado was already set in the city of Riiiple but this time nobody joined him and he went on his own with
dynamites expecting to blow up the city barn, stores and any financial home. He
has his own plans and never told Apriyuo
about his intended attack. Tado was
captured by ARCH Angel Henry workers
and they treated him like a slave because he is not a customer to their
products. They saw him sneaking across their storage and server rooms with
intentions to destroy when he was caught. Although they used a very local
server and digital service, it was many operatives and eases a lot of manual
works like calculations and video coverage. Tado was not given the opportunity to talk but was locked up I the
yard middle where nobody visits him and he only ate bread daily. He was there
for six months and no one heard of Tado,
some thought he was killed by an animal perhaps in the forest or the
creator has taken him. The news died not bothering Apriyuo who immediately pretended to know nothing about Tado and took over his business in the
new city quietly pretending they had an agreement. Tado fell ill as he saw no
one to talk to for a long period. The illness was soon treated and he was asked
to join Arch Angel Henry and work as a manager and forget about Apriyuo but he refused saying he will
never join Arch Angel Henry. Everyone
knew Arch Angel Henry was already a
stronger person to both Tado and Apriyuo but were surprise to hear his
reply. He was left in the captured area continuously until he began to cry
daily saying he will never attack this city anymore. Apriyuo was ticklish and asked to see Arch Angel Henry doping this
was just bot confirm if he was the owner of the new city which he did and he
pleaded that the next time he is caught here they should punish him to extreme
measures and leave him as a prisoner forever. The deal was sealed and signed by
both Apriyuo and Tado. Tado was taken on a chariot to
the exit of the city. It was just a trap, because no one could enter the city
and it was intentionally opened and freed of magic t see what his enemies could
do on an attack. Soon he planted self attractive detonative explosives that
instigate heat that could cause fire and explode any intruder at the entrance
of his city. Arch Angel Henry made
an official arrangement to meet with his father Rioper in
the city he left him On their meeting, he was able to explain all that happened
to him which his father took out the relevant information he was looking for.
The creator has asked the father to leave Guilo
and go to Goddess Ricku. But his father does not understand why. On
this note, he was able to understand that the reason the creator has asked him
to do this is to uncover the secret between goddess Ricku and Guilo. Goddess
Ricku has been friends with Guilo for
a very long time and they have secret that were attacking Rioper. Arch Angel Henry is always confused anytime he is with his father
and mother as they have a lot of secrets he never knew of. Soon he departed and
bided his father farewell to his land of goddess Ricku. He met with Angel Henrifa and Angel
Jaideniy and asked them to follow to
his new city but they refused saying their work here is not done. Initially, Rioper promised goddess Ricku to give immortality extreme to Jaideniy younger sister who took care of Arch Angel Henry when he was born but
has failed to do so suspecting she is evil as he perceived during her care. The
little girl who is only older than Arch
Angel Henry a little is the grand daughter to goddess Ricku, but all these he never knew as he was busy with his
business when he found ILope, Jaideniy sister
in the city well long ago during his struggle to become a richer person. He
took her in clothed her, gave her everything including business to run as she
too k care of Arch Angel Henry but
did not make her an immortal. She is now very big and successful but the
security around her with the news of Tado
everywhere is a treat to her. HE accepted to see Ricku after a lot of argument with his wife, knowing Ricku is deceitful, and never the
creator but was only posing like the creator to deceive people to get money
from fake magic during the early years he knew her. His wife accepted saying
they are less poor now and does not seem deceitful but need protection which
you can offer. Rioper will travel a
mile to meet Ricku just as he found
out her place. Ricku is always
ticklish so she went fully prepared, with all his magical spells and a lot of
wine which he loved and helped him during any attack till now, the wine gave
him powers to become invincible.