The two musicians who bear same name, "Justin" have been looking alike in a way after Justin Beiber attempted sports. Angel Henry told Vmo that Justin May have been looking for him because he felt she was cheating, but how will he get to know she is only playing with a
selenator, who sees her as his Angel. Justin Beiber used Beleiber as
Justin Beiber |
his followers and fans and guess may be that Selena copied from him.
Selena Gomez is still mostly to herself these days and Angel Henry is
wondering if they are tired of the relationship. Angel Henry Junior
Ogar said if Justin Looks for him to Nigeria, they will only make a
song together. Looking for Angel Henry may have made Justin Beiber to
attempt sports because Angel Henry is an athlete with strong
influence. May be a telepathy will work out with them to know why
Justin Beiber attempted sports in Hockey and Soccer.
Selena Gomez |
Angel Henry
Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez
Story written Angel Henry
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Program creator - Angel Henry