
Celebrity Lifestyle - Angel Henry gets caught up with 50 Cent's baby mama "Shaniqua Tompkins" (episode 9)

Image result for 50 cent wife shaniqua tompkins
50 Cent & Shaniqua Tompkins (Google images)

Angel Henry have been in United States, and since then have met up with Shaniqua Tompkins who is 50 Cent's baby mama. The lady who have acted for Angel Henry in the story of Jarius Plumber as Angel Henry assistant have now been reported by VMO  and Angel Henry media persons that she was in the United States with the $3 million Us dollar collected from Jarius Plumber  who was seen as Turk the Rapper  on the internet, and have a deal with Cash Money Records ceo "Birdman williams". The money did not pose an issue but according to a camera video sent to 50 Cent by a spy in the Chicago Hotel Angel Henry have met with her.

50 Cent on the other hand when apprehended said that there was no serious issue about it but hanging out with other male may corrupt his son 'Marquise Jackson' . However, the matter was discussed amicably for sometime and 50 Cent who was furious before the discussion was able to understand that it was just a meeting at a hotel reception to return a certain amount of money and that the camera spy only firmed her meet with Angel Henry but did not follow up to see where they relaxed.

Angel Henry (series)

Angel Henry
50 Cent
Shaniqua Thompson

Episodes Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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