
Breaking News: Angel Henry Denies album date claims 1996 record date

Angel Henry researchers have uncovered that sine the time of existence about Angel Henry the only recorded song seen was in 1996 but now the internet has a roll of 2018 songs and album. The Grace album according to Sterile Peniok a director of editing o Angel Henry said she never saw an album when Angel Henry was little and when there were articles i paper format of the assumption of Angel Henry. The original information came to me when arranging the archives and there a note was found with the captioned "To my future fans" there she found the title and track list of Grace album written with the date of release as 1996 February 14th. The note read "And they shall know love from this day henceforth"

Find and listen to Angel Henry's album perhaps there could be a reason for this Sterile Peniok said.


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