
Angel Henry music - Angel Henry tops music chart at rank 3 in Canada and 6th in United States (episode 18)

Angel Henry have reported that since after leaving Canada the Grace album song did drop to position four and have really showed that the music is good because it was in position t2o on the Reverbanation music chart. However, the sng did not get any sell out as much as it did when the song was first published from Nigeria. Angel Henry shows no disappointment but reveals that there will be moore upgrade to the music sells and also that the chart will be left for Canada on attempt for more competitions perhaps the  position will move to first.

Angel Henry series 

Angel Henry

Episodes Created by Alan Dish 
Story written  by Angel Henry  
Screen display by Ethan Jeff 
Theme by Ralla Passion.  
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard  
Program creator - Angel Henry  

Some stories are fictional and Some images and names are Copyright items of Google/Wikipedia.


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