
Angel Henry admires Michael Jackson - Living like MJ is in my house (episode 3)

Angel Henry admires Michael Jackson - Living like MJ is in  my house

Angel Henry have been so skeptical on the fact that Michael Jackson
visited the house where Angel Henry lives, but no one have seen this as
a true statement. Angel Henry has no camera to snap angels but have concluded
that Michael Jackson is an angel. This is certain because Michael Jackson appeared 
to me in y room,, and sisnce then I keep seeing MJ and Mj gives me
inspiration. Michael Jackson was a person of good and evil cast
with many crimes and died even under doubts, set up and alot of mockery but
the truth stands that MJ is a person who transformed into a being
not known to human. According to daughter Paris Jackson whom
Angel Henry have met in dream world, Paris said that she sees MJ but not
sure what it is about. Angel Henry told Paris about how MJ had visited, and how
her father is an Angel now also Angel Henry told Paris that there is a serious
connection between them.
Michael Jackson

Paris Jackson and Michael Jackson have a focus in common to concentrate
on their lives without measures. Angel Henry is happy to have seen Paris
Jackson in dream world but wonder if she knows of this.Knowing 70% Angel Henry
confirms that Paris Jackson knows of this escapade and the love trauma but
perhaps she is still much obsessed with herself and love for her music, life an father.

Michael Jackson used to be like a Guardian Angel that have followed Angel
Henry for so long. Angel Henry says that Michael Jackson have been alive with 
Angel Henry as described to Angel Henry reporters even after death. Angel Henry
who also died by assumption to a different state from Michael Jackson
said again that 'I only knew Michael Jackson was dead in 2014" even after hearing
of his death in past years but life all seem to have move back and forth and I know
for sure we are outta this world. Because I see scenes from the past an future happen
again like its real. I admire Michael Jackson and Arch Angel Michael can be a witness lol.

Angel Henry series

Angel Henry 
Michael Jackson
Paris Jackson
Arch Angel Michael

Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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