
With Yemi Alade - Angel Henry have claimed that there was a sleeping not with Yemi Alade (episode 14)

Angel Henry have claimed that there was a sleeping not with Yemi Alade

Just another unwilling thoughts.

Angel Henry and Yemi Alade were not having s*x physically in the bedroom,
rather just the feeling between them. Previously between them there was 
what looks like a deliverance scene that Angel Henry wanted to cleanse Yemi 
Alade but this was not looked upon. The attraction on Yemi Alade
is awesome but Angel Henry tried to claim that t does not favor any
appetite on sex*ual feelings with self. Angel Henry have said in previous
comments that "I am a real Angel" even if I am in love or feelings,
it does not stop my powers of conquering the conqueror of molesting
spirit. Meaning that Creator is always with me and as Jesus have even
said that Love your neighbor as self.

Yemi Alade
I am ith Yemi Alade spiritually, yes because I see that she is in emotional
lack. Despite not saying it, i feel the fight with Tiwa Savage have to 
come from the feelings that she has no cool guy around, perhaps. Yemi
will have many boys around but there is no fever like Tiwa Savage and and I guess i give her that feeling. I will love you until you
kiss me, Yemi Alade forced it out of my lips. Seeing you every night
is something i cherish and I will love to see you always.

Angel Henry (series)
Season 1
With Yemi Alade  - episode 14

Angel Henry 
Yemi Alade
Jesus Christ

Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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