
With Yemi Alade - Angel Henry And Yemi Alade (episode 3)

Yemi Aladeā€™s Pr did not reply the phone call early. He waited a little and when the phone call was replied, I was not with the phone. This time Angel Henry called in before the unexpected reply to become a song writer for Effyzie Music group. The PR never called me Angel Henry again and the text message Angel Henry Junr Ogar sent didnā€™t get a reply. Angel Henry received a message on Facebook which read him the label is not signing any artist. Angel Henry  said he wrote lyrics which he sent to them for about ten minutes, but does not know if the lyrics were used in any of the label artistesā€™ songs or not.

Angel Henry series

Angel Henry 
Yemi Alade

Created by Alan Dish

Story written by Angel Henry

Screen display by Ethan Jeff

Theme by Ralla Passion. 

Story editor - VMO Web  
Program creator - Angel Henry 


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