
The First Episode Of Arch Angel Henry Comic 'Series 1'

In a small town, where Arch Angel Henry came into the world, there is a stone where no one will ever go to or touch neither will they attempt to break. After 10 decades as he was told while growing up, a young man came into the town and saw the stone He knew it will be so great if he took it off. He then summoned for the presence of several high rank officers among the town soldiers and few of the spiritual men asked if they can bring forth the spiritual people for any assistance.  The young man accepted after living with the town people for a long time and understood their life and the way the stone torments them. THE STONE is said o get up in the morning, just as he witnessed and roll into a piece of big ball, then varnish and begin to move quickly among the bodies of the inhabitants.  The question arose about how they could eliminate the spirit from this stone, but didnā€™t come to any conclusion.

Few days after the colored moon appear in the town, the young boy saw a little boy in the town not concerned about what is happening, He walked to the little boy and tapped him to ask a question, when he turned to answer the person, he saw no one. The young man was surprised that the little boy spoke with air and didnā€™t even recognize him. This got the young man more suspicious about the town. He immediately asked if he see the parents of the child and he was directed to the house. When he got there he felt very cold and the parents were covered in thick clothing and the rest of their body covered with few parts of their arms exposed and looking fair. The young man awoken strengthened his spirit with a grasp of his hand and thought of himself for a while before speaking with the parent of the boy. He asked them if the boy is born in the town or he is born in another town. The parents who have seen the young man discussing in the public with the other strong men in the city said nothing for a while, looked at them then answered in unison saying ā€œYes He isā€.  The young man then began to question if they knew the boy is a spirit. The father then replied saying in this family we are all spirits. The young man grew furious and beckoned on the air then went out saying thanks. The man came back and asked why they are not participating in the town arrangement to destroy the stone. The father of Arch Angel Henry then replied saying, the stone is meant to be there and the act or disturbances it created for the people are not a concern of his. Knowing fully well hat this stone is there to prevent rebellious spirit from coming into the town, He smiled and looked at Arch Angel Henry with a scary look, then varnished also. The father of Arch Angel Henry then tried to convince the whole town of what this young man who wants to destroy the stone for them is, but they refused to listen. The father recalled his weakness to them saying they all know he is a spirit and this is top secret, but the young man you all want to work with hates my family and if he succeeds to destroy this stone with your help, I will be weak and then our town will be delivered up to tormenting spirits. Some of the town settlers believed him who had no strength, while the powerful got jealous and envious saying they can fight it if it turns out to be a tormenting attack.
Arch Angel Henry father accepted their power as they proved and walked away. The town has a very bad climate as rain fall heavily often at the time of the presence of the new visitor. The new visitor always comes in robes quietly without anyone knowing where he comes from and no body questions where his people are or who he works with. He is able to convince a lot of people to follow him. He got a lot of people and his final attempt became trying to convince Arch Angel Henry to fight his father, telling him he has powers and his father uses it make the people respect him. RCH Angel Henry never attempted anything the invading spirit in form of a young man tells him. Rather, he uses signs and symbols to pose messages to his parents to see. Arch Angel Henry grew stronger, and even wiser than his father thought he would become. His wings began to grow stronger also spiritually, and this made him t concentrate more in prayers than before. Each time the young man is coming, He feels and senses it but quietly ignored it because he knew his father is right. On a faithful morning when the spiritual people were praying in attempt to break the stone, Arch Angel Henry peeps always from his little room window and he sees many things which made him see the young man spreading a type of substance around the spiritual people and they begin to bow before him saying he knows it all, He knows it all. This caused Arch Angel Henry Father and mother to row angry as they saw the people believe more in the fake and evil spirit than in them. The message reached the town ruler, who is one of the strongest people in the town, as he came as a half man and a half spirit with only his wife knowing this. Arch Angel Henry begins to spy on the young man to know where he came from. The young man who is very smart begins to quicken his move to destroy the ton before the king uncovers his full mission. The young man is very strong spiritually but needs worshippers to conquer because in his world he has a lot of worshippers who believe him for doing red magic, where he changes a tree to an object in a blink of an eye for his worshippers who believe him a lot and then he tells them they have added extra power and they should use their powers on any child by concentrating on their foreheads with believing in him, ā€˜Fair Spiritā€ and reciting Fair spirit take it continuously till the childā€™s face fades off a little.  Any child with shinny fore heads across the town were tormented but never harmed.

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Arch Angel Henry didnā€™t know the name of this spirit, as he grows but never fell for it. In the mornings, the father will come out with his wife and him, they will wet the floor of the town center with water and call out the other believers who did not like the fair spirit that came in form of a young man, they will they sweep the center of the town continuously, leaving the fair spirit and the other believers of him weak and as they come out expecting the town to be dirty before they begin their ritual and start breaking the stone. The stone is explained to the believers of the town as safe without the fair spirit, saying it rolls in your body to make you stronger for this period to challenge the Fair Spirit because it saw it coming. The stone cannot talk but can use signs, which his son understands. Soon they began to learn how to prepare for torment from spirits as strong as the fair spirits. The fair spirits are believed to have existed in old ancient times of people where they tortured people only in sleep and few strong people defeat them and became kings. In the present, it is not like that anymore. This time fair spirits grew stronger and takes it victim to its world spiritually to work in a thorn farm land. This makes them stronger as they live to torment people. This physical attack only reigned because we were weak Arch Angel Henry Father said, but now we are strong the stone remains symbol of true vessel and will never be destroyed. The true vessel is a symbol which never makes someone see something wrong. It always allows you think and decide clearly. Arch Angel Henry Father never likes anything except to keep closeness with meditation which his son learnt from him. The wife is always alone making sure the weather will never deceive her when she makes her garden, because the fair spirits could control trees, it tempted and tried to convince Arch Angel Henryā€™ mother it will destroy her farm. 

The challenge continued and one day, the fair spirit got a chance alone and tried to break the stone without the help of anyone but a heavy rain began to fall with thunder storms and strikes. The fair spirit disappeared and appeared but still the same. Arch Angel Henry started to notice the moves of the fir spirit and it looks more like it was looking for something not to come and break the stone. Each time it come closer to the people and tries to teach the believers and followers another different way of magic to defeat even more evil they are to meet. He said nothing this time but only kept half sign for his father to complete. He said to himself that if his father sees the sign he sees also, he will complete the symbol places for his father to trail. The trail matched what the father has kept also, and then he left another one this time and for the first time asking his fathers what to do to make sure it wasnā€™t tricking them. The king made an announcement about the stone saying no one will break its town stone for any reason, s he said this, Arch Angel Henryā€™s father knew he had a support from a higher side. The fair spirit began to get enormous and left the city for a while. During its leave, the followers continue t practice what he did but not to break the stone. The King made Arch Angel Henryā€™s father to suffer a little for letting the people believe the fair spirit wanted to deceive them. The fair spirit planned it leave and made Arch Angel Henry Scared it will come back for him in a short time. Arch Angel Henry replied with no fear saying it will hunt him and drive him back to his world if he is a spirit of destruction among its towns people. This will get serious Arch Angel Henry said to the white spirit if I find out you are out to torment my family as well. The spirit varnished, and a veil which no one can close closed up and left the city normal again. It began to use the people who followed him immediately it left to torment the town people just as he had attempted to. The King became confused, and started using Arch Angel Henryā€™s fatherā€™s word not knowing Arch Angel Henryā€™s father is a stronger spirit than he is because he is only half man and half spirit, He began to believe the center cleaning will weaken the white spirit and his force. Arch Angel Henry discovered the white spirit only used his other followers in his world as a symbol to deceive the people of the town he lived that he is only teaching them something new and not to destroy the stone. During his stay he monitored their active and non active time and this made the family of Arch Angel Henry and the king with other r believers always active and watchful without missing a day cleaning and practice of how to deal with Fair spirits. The threat grows bigger by the day with more Red Magic deceiving people with more trees. 

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