a light flashed from above and behold Jikasoli
was cutting through Tado and Apriyuo followers with a very long and
laser fitted sword. This is a surprise to Arch
Angel Henry and Rioper as they
never saw Jikasoli leave with them
as they were on the way to follow up the kidnap of Kiopet son. Jikasoli then
snatched the baby of the hands of Tado as
he fell to the ground after the sword pierced through him. On looking to he
left of their standing where Kiopet have
been standing before receiving the child from Jikasoli, she is no longer there and this made Jikasoli to follow up with the move and appeared in front of Tado who vanished immediately he fell
to the ground. The other members of the team fought with Tado and Apriyuo men and
were able to defeat a lot of them with the rest fleeing away with Apriyuo. The day began to get weary as
the struggle for Tado to release
what he was hiding in his stomach, which is a spell he used to tie down the child
and with a magical blood covenant which was also added to the sword before he
used it to pierce through Tado and
many of his men. Tado swallowed the
gum wrapped spelled paper and it was forced t of his stomach with a liquid
which purges people. The spell was immediately broken in other for Kiopet baby not to join the fighters of
Apriyuo and Tado. The spell in the sword was casted in other to restore the
immortality of the fighters for them so that they only change form and return
back to the place they were attacked and begin the fight again. The whole plan
is to allow the baby to join the force of Tado
without his knowledge so when he grows gradually he will fight against his
mother and Rioper men. The baby is
discovered to be immortal and according to Kiopet,
she knew nothing about this and has always been watchful if the baby will
varnish since it was almost varnishing during the serpents attack. Jikasoli was so thrilled to see Kiopet attitude is to restore her baby
into the force of angels so that he can become as strong as Arch Angel Henry who is very strong
before seven. Jikasoli and Kiopet were able to join the rest of
the group with time and Jikasoli is
explaining further what he did and how he joined the fighters of Tado that he was able to sneak into the
group of fighter with one of their
disguise method without anyone finding out, since it was fast and they didnāt
take note of their numbers neither did they know how they appeared or have to
leave. The team he sneaked into discussed of their sacrifice saying it will
make them immortal as the baby is discovered to be immortal but the whole
discussion came to a stop as the sacrifice did not go through. The next plan
took Kiopet, b y Angel Henrifa to Tubt, where she took her
cleansing after coming in contact with the blood of Tado. Jikasoli did not kill Tado as he explained that killing him
will cancel their completion of leaving in the cloud in the invincible realm as
the creator promised in Seriav that
anyone who will complete a mission without killing the orchestrator will remain
in the invincible realm with the cloud apartments without a single being among
them being less immortal. The whole trip to the invincible cloud will be lead
by Rioper who was unknown to have
heard of the invincible cloud when he was at the previous city in the early
times before the birth of Arch Angel
Henry. The son of Kiopet was
taken to leave with Angel Henrifa, as
they prepared her for the creator principle. Everyone was young but they hoped
that Old Kiopet will make it out of
the creator principle without death because in the creator principle furnace
only those who come out stay immortal and alive after the portion of the
goddess is taken. No one has ever talked about the creator principle furnace
but the truth about it is that it is painful and anyone who goes in there will
experience pain worth 300 days but in short minutes and also get a death
feeling and encounter of pains and suffering within minutes. The whole fighters
who believed have survived it but they hoped the old Kiopet will. Soon it was time for her departure to the furnace and
she wasted no time but inhaled in and out and stepped in. When she did it
became dark, and the goddess sneaked with fast grey light which no one will
notice as it shines moonlight a little within few distance of the furnace and
the people. The entrance is a sliding fitted glass distance away and on coming
out the person floats like air lifted balloon. The goddess Ricku who was suspected to be the creator and also the avenger of
truth or a spy for Apriyuo, injected
forcefully into the boy of Kiopet a
serum that is meant for immortality and varnished. Kiopet fainted in shock and few minutes later, there were flames
all around the furnace as if she never made it out of the creator principle but
as they approached to look closely, she flew out looking younger than before.
The creator took her to her 18ās and made her to look beautiful because she was
a weak person already. The feeling became strange about her immortality, saying
it was the same with the other followers, noticed by Rioper. The feeling is actually the same as your followers, Arch Angel Henry said asking his father
what he thought. Rioper said he suspected that someone was
with her inside the furnace and she was not alone. Rioper said that no one comes out of the furnace as an immortal but
this is the first time. Kiopet remembered nothing except for a
sharp pain in her body as she felt before collapsing and now she is here. The
follow up was not necessary, as they began to suspect the creator was around
and have another mission. This time no one suspected it will be the goddess.
The goddess Ricku is believed to
have been the creator for quite a while, but nobody ever believed completely
because at the beginning she was a set up for a trade of hairs back before Arch Angel Henry was born. The whole
place was filled up with smoke, and the people wondered if the suspicion of her
being the creator is true or unreal because the smoke had the fragrance of goddess Ricku. This is the first time Rioper experienced all these actions,
then he called Jikasoli if there is
any occurrence like this in his life before and he replied no. With the
appearance of nothing, Rioper whispered to Guilo that Arch Angel Henry is about to go away from this world because he
read signs fast and was convinced something like this happened in the past when
Jikasoli was a child with Arch Angel Henry. Then he recalled perhaps it is his vision. Not
long after he explained to the rest of the angels and followers, a heavy wind
blew and Arch Angel Henry disappeared.
Knowing fully well there were a lot of missions, Rioper ordered everyone to
go back inside their chambers and Guilo was smart enough to understand a sign language
from Kiopet that Jikasoli
is a spy to Tado and Apriyuo and never a member of Rioper team. The creator wanted Rioper to settle and see things fro himself that is why he took Arch Angel Henry away. Jikasoli, is very evil in a negative
direction and was a little difficult to be understood by Rioper because the angels surrounded him even more as he came,
helping Rioper and Arch Angel Henry. Just as this was discovered, Jikasoli immediately began to fight
with Rioper and this was a terrible
fight as he knew how to handle swords and weapons a lot. The way it went left Rioper with magic and this caused Rioper to alter a spell that takes
someone away from existence but Angel
Henrifa stopped it and decided to handle the fight with Rioper after a few while, Jikasoli tried to escape but couldnāt
and he noticed that Rioper tricked
him to use a spell of block and which made him not to be able to varnish. They
fought even harder and Jikasoli became
weak but not willing to confess his mission in the team of Rioper. Jikasoli has an immortality spell and was willing to be
destroyed in trick to varnish which didnāt happen. They refused to use the
furnace for Jikasoli because he was
suspected to one of the members of Apriyuo
and Tado but it was not confirmed
until the last moment which is now as they fought. The spell of immortality
became vulnerable to Jikasoli, as he was unable to use it but the trick of
leaving him alive will not work because they found out it s a trick so they can
inherit immortality before anyone found out they were not immortals. The sword
he used to attack the men of Apriyuo and
Tado was not real but magical and
has the ability of creating wounds that were unreal and also making the victim
drowsy. He was tied up in the chambers of light were he will be investigated
until the plan of Apriyuo and Tado were revealed. The
mission of Kiopet also became a
suspicion as Rioper could recall
there was no one in the town during clear out even the ruler left. This all
seem like a set up for something else and as this was noticed, she began to
fight Guilo who knew how to use just
an arm for a fight. This became a serious time to think of what the baby may be
since it is a breed of someone who has been under the care Apriyuo and Tado with a
lot of forged stories. Guilo fought and the truth was about to be
unveiled. Kiopet got tired and the
reason her immortality delayed is because there was no immortality for her. The
signs only showed it was a set up and danger. The sign language Kiopet gave was for Guilo to move forward as people headed
to their chambers so she could move behind her and attack, and then Jikasoli attacks Rioper since he is their strongest war lord, but this never
happened. The captivity was now two, and they were able to forge out the truth
that Apriyuo and Tado was around in the chambers and
they came through the little child because the magic they now use is evil and
the little child was just a baby given birth to by Kiopet and Apriyuo for
magical rituals. They immediately killed the baby and varnished it body to the
base camp where other fighters were and then tried attacking the chambers of
the angels. The angelsā were smart enough, to use white explosives on the
magicians as they attempted a chamber break in. They forced their way into the angelsā
room and saw nobody. Already, the plan to varnish Arch Angel Henry like the creator was from Angel Henrifa just to confirm if these people were real. Arch Angel Henry and Angel Henrifa joined body to fight the
attacking agents and also defeated because they were not as strong as the
angels in this place. This now held hostage the four intruders. The place was
calm and the Angels remained quiet
without talking to invoke and know exactly who will take them all to Seriav as only one person is allowed to
take captured people like this to Seriav.
The only place where this is allowed
is in the Tubt region Rioper said were we can all go alone but if we use Seriav only one person goes which is a lot of
difficulty because the captives are still powerful. Arch Angel Henry then
suggested he will take them Seriav and
then perform any ritual which is necessary.
The battle began again as they were about to go to Seriav, all the fighters Apriyuo and Tado arrived and this time fought like they wanted to chase the
people out of the chambers but it came to no avail as Rioper used vanquishing magic to dissolve the place which became
airy and no one saw them anymore with the captives.