
Music - Gbedu - Angel Henry (Grace album)

A Disc Jockey goes crazy in love with a girl but becomes unable to get her phone number for further communications. The the love trauma was easy to handle. 

Gbedu, means something heavy in Nigeria Yoruba Language.

Producer: Shola Emmanuel ( 2018)
Artist: Angel Henry

Copyright: Angel Henry

Gbedu Lyrics


Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey, Let's us another key

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey,Let's use another key

Verse 1
I am walking by the high way
I saw this lady with a high heel
Am so sure she is eyeing me
And her next feeling is to find me

I ask her name, she is whining
Looking closely she is lying
Perhaps she is tryng to deny me
I could'nt get a girl am describing

On the sunday is a love feast
On the dinner table is a long list
The first boy to come is a gist
Long ago am thinking it's a diss

I can't meet a girl with a wish
It's surprising to see like a fish
I see your type is for the rich
I can use this story for a nitch

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey, Let's us another key

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey,Let's use another key

Verse 2
Am an invite for a party again
The lady is with the boy again
Talking to her  will be in vain
Seriously there is o pain no gain

Am wearing a white shirt today
She's on a light skirt today
Talking to her really make sense,
I guess I should the incense

Am on my Kneels I Pray Oh!
But the same formming I met
Taking me to the shop if you want me
Then I bought her a card to call me

Am thinking of findng Agatha
Beacuse she got a cool character
How many sense do matter
Bar man give me a fanta

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey, Let's us another key

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey,Let's use another key

Verse 3
It's 5 am and up for the day
My little phone boots on delay
Before I dial I got to prepare
Knowing this lady is like a flare

Singing for her I will make concept
I like her style slowly, No deciet
I am making paper flowers
she is the type that got powers

Am viewing clearly inside me
Her waits is quite enticing
I love all the melody
It's her ring tone she is recording

Now She is beckoning
My mind change from Agatha
I finally get a name
Oh Men!!!

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey, Let's us another key

Gbedu for the Jockey, Gbedu for the Young Kid
Gbedu for the Jockey,Let's use another key

Let's Gbedu Gbedu Gbedu to this beat
Let's Gbedu Gbedu Gbedu to this beat
Let's Gbedu Gbedu Gbedu to this beat Gbedu to this beat
Let's Gbedu to this beat for the jockey,
Gbedu to this beat for the Young Kid
Gbedu fort his beat for the jockey

Copyright: Angel Henry


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