
Celebrity lifestyle - The POS Purchase Flows Like Its My Bank Account Payment (episode 15)

Angel Henry  reported a news saying that his bank account wish is to see it flow like POS purchase in busy stores.
Image result for ATM MACHINE AND POS
ATM machine and a pos system
He had purchase snack just once, using the POS machine and it looks like a teller payment to Bank account. He then said his wish is to see constant cash in his bank account.  I like the print out, and the receipt texture. Angel Henry have also told personal internet reporters that the idea to order snacks home from an food store is attractive and interesting.  Angel Henry have some funny ideas also of planting an ATM inside the new owned mansion, or have a mobile ATM machine and a mobile snack machine that automatically prepares snacks when buttons are pressed. The machine according to Angel Henry is seen in Henry Danger Nickelodeon TV series,  and Angel Henry has a talks of visiting them in one of Angel Henry series.

Angel Henry series 

Angel Henry

Episodes Created by Alan Dish 
Story written  by Angel Henry  
Screen display by Ethan Jeff 
Theme by Ralla Passion.  
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard  
Program creator - Angel Henry  

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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