
Celebrity Lifestyle - God and Jesus is Trending and am not like 21 Savage (episode 7)

New news coming today about 21 Savage and Angel Henry in relationship with God and Jesus, after Angel Henry called in Shaniqua Tompkins known as Stephanie in Angel Henry series at arrival in United States.
Image result for jesus and god
Jesus and God
Angel Henry news captures rumor saying Angel Henry is like 21 Savage. But according to Stephanie, it was an Angel Henry fan who called in at reception of Angel Henry house at the United Sates, when Angel Henry met with Pharell Williams, saying Angel Henry looks like 21 Savage and its trending. Shaniqua Tompkins was able to calm the fan to enjoy the music as Angel Henry and not 21 Savage. She also said that the fan was interacting with friends and they already wearing AN ANGEL HENRY CENSORED T-SHIRT ABOUT IT.Image result for CENSORED SHIRT The fans were amazed.

Image result for 21 savage
21 Savage
On the other hand, Angel Henry who just got down from a flight says "Am not on any t - shirt at the moment and am not like 21 Savage but I know he is trending and Jesus and God is trending also. 21 Savage have been apprehended by Rihanna, Yes Angel Henry said on on the headline on YouTube

"Rihanna Reacts To Chris Brown & Offset Fighting Over 21 Savage | Hollywoodlife"

Image result for Shaniqua Tompkins
Shaniqua Tompkins
Am just going to have a nap after shower, Angel Henry told the actress "Shaniqua Tompkins" then head on to Soundcloud.

Angel Henry series

Angel Henry 
Shaniqua Tompkins
50 Cent
Chris Brown

Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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