
Celebrity lifestyle - Angel Henry Gets Bad Face From Parents For Hairstyle (episode 16)

Friday, Angel Henry is wearing a new hairstyle, which he is calling 'new look.' he is telling VMO the hairstyle is what I want not what my parents want.

Angel Henry's parent is in war with him, as he is wearing a new hairstyle weaving in artificial. Eddy Mary and Uche Mary is not what am talking about right now. I like the hairstyle, and my parent are not the one with it.

Complaining yesterday and today is enough, Henry Write to VMO., saying more about the war his parent Virginia and Edward is bringing on him, making him feel like depressing himself.

The War is also reaching what Angel Henry is terming Envy towards his family member, saying when he is making his own hair on dreads  and punk, nobody try to insult or stop him.

'I am using my hairstyle as a fashion to entertain fans and not pleasing people who don't care Angel Henry tells'

It is offending why I have no long hair like the Europeans, he is telling to VMO as what he writes telling his parents.

Angel Henry series 

Angel Henry

Episodes Created by Alan Dish 
Story written  by Angel Henry  
Screen display by Ethan Jeff 
Theme by Ralla Passion.  
Story editor - VMO Web/Ho9jabillboard  
Program creator - Angel Henry  

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019


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