
Angel Henry Luxury - Angel Henry Party mess and cancelled event at Frank Ville Karu Site Abuja (episode 17)

Nigeria Musician has completed the story on how the day became a mess on his party event.
Frank Ville Pool Area
The party is supposed to be a great one with just 200 hundred attendance as he had budgeted, but the turn out became less annoying and more provocative to leave the arena. The collaborated event planner initially gave in a count of more than 50 people while Angel Henry had invited 12 -13 people.
At about 4 pm only 7 people were at the venue. He gently cancelled the pool party event and left the arena with mere apologies to the guest who had come earlier.

Angel Henry series


Angel Henry 

Created by Alan Dish

Story written by Angel Henry 

Screen display by Ethan Jeff

Theme by Ralla Passion. 

Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 

Copyright - Angel Henry 2019

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