
Breaking News: Angel Henry Talks Of A Dream Without Vision

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Angel Henry last night saw himself in a group of people, playing a little tennis ball in a large field. The tennis ball was so small that one can even hardly see it. People were playing it, of which most were girls visible, and Angel Henry could hardly see even when forcing a vision to know what is happening actually. Trying to play it was then difficult, and Angel Henry left the game for the girls and kept wondering what the girls were enjoying it. The dream was short and clear. The physical meaning hardly comes clear but Angel Henry saw a face of one of the girl as the morning came and the little meaning was Angel Henry will not join those girls because hardly could their game be interesting. Now during the morning, when Angel Henry went out for recreation, Angel Henry was unable to interpret what the day looks like clearly because everything seem dragging and slow on the feet. Wonderfully, Angel Henry was able to conquer every strange vision with the help of



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