
Angel Henry Music: Third In Regional Awards From South Wales (Episode 23)

Angel Henry also have won the regional awards on the Reverbnation ranking as the third top musician in the classical music Genre. The awards this time was ranked from the South Wales region and the songs of Angel Henry have seen him hit a new music chart rank. The music award is an online ranking award that gives musicians chart ranks on the reverbnation platform, Angel Henry is glad to have popped out from the South Wales Region. Angel Henry is the only Africa Musician to have come out of this region, winning the third place.

Award List And Artist

1. Heidi-Marie Arapa 
Classical Genre

2. Jane Rutter
Classical Genre

3. Angel Henry 
Classical Genre

4. Luciano Ruello
Classical Genre

5. Mark Oliveiro (Composer)
Classical Genre

6. Taina Rose
Classical Genre

7. Avrigus
Classical Genre

8. Chris Home
Classical Genre

9. The Franky Valentyn Project

Classical Genre

10. Julala
Classical Genre


Angel Henry 
Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 


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