
Angel Henry Music: Angel Henry Grace Album Has A Net Worth Of $266 (episode 22)

Image result for Angel Henry grace ALBUM nET WORTHAngel Henry has made an official statement about his debut album Grace saying its worth over 273.9 us dollar. The album which cost a net worth of 100,000 Naira in Nigerian Currency is said to have 10 tracks which have been exposed on the internet, from which Angel Henry was also signed to Blue Pie Music Label belonging to  An Australian Music group. The sole agent in Nigeria, Nedjon Media was the negotiator and contract third person. However, since the release of the album it has gone across over 1000 people and have made a sale of CD worth 12,000 Naira. or more. which is an equivalent of 32.86 us dollar. The album also made a promotion worth about 25,000 Naira - 40,000 Naira on the internet and the production cost is about 50,000 - 70,000 Naira an equivalent of  68.478 US dollar - 273.91 US dollar. After fe months  of the album lasting in the company Blue Pie Records, it got online publicity on music stores as Amazon, Itunes, and some others. The strength of the Grace Album has won awards as top Abuja Musician, Third top New South WALES Region Musician and 2nd Nigeria TOP Classical musician.


Angel Henry 
Created by Alan Dish
Story written  Angel Henry 
Screen display by Ethan Jeff
Theme by Ralla Passion. 
Story editor - VMO Web 
Program creator - Angel Henry 


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