
Angel Henry Will Not Take Punishment From Creator?

Angel are messengers, and Angel Henry
fall in the category which has
made him to do more Creators wish than
anything. It is not his wish
not to pray for some people, but things
begin to get complicated as Angel Henry needs to suffer pains asking
the Creatos to pardon some
people who have angered him. This may
now be wrong as it seems the
Creator now accepts apologes from
offenders only because An Angel Henry prayer for them is slaps and kicks
from the Creator. Seeing and
meetinh with unearthly beings will only
begin to tell if Angel Henry
will seize prayer for offenders who see
everything easy. In the act of the Creator section 7 its a curse of smell
to ask pardon for peosle.
Angel Henry only gets guide to mediate
for any offender and a little
curse varnishes from his body, but the
meeting with Almighty by half death, trance or dream principle will tell,
and clean him from
punishment but fear no Thunder wrath
on offenders.


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