
Perhaps There Was Angel For Angel Henry Junior Ogar Not Jesus Christ

Years after the Temptation of Jesus Christ, Angel Henry Junior Ogar
claims a reality that an angel is actually there. This happened to
Jesus Christ, resisting temptation by chasing the devil, but Angel
Henry Junior Ogar says Jesus Christ is aggressive like every other
white person towards another racial skin colour and that is why he
chased the devil, even if there is no racism.Angel Henry Junior Ogar
sees an angel standing right below the mountain he was asked to jump
from but he boldly refused. I was inspired by an angel to run off a
mountain on a galilee day after the resurrection ceremony and I did,
behold! an inspired by angel man was there to grabbed me from falling
off as i ran down the hill and lost balance. Virginia Ogar my mother
was a witness. Several years later Jesus Christ is talking to me that
his resistance is to teach his followes courage and boldness in test
to thier faith,saying asking the devil to get behind never meant he is
not jumping, but for the devil to run means the devil is a lie.


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