
Angel Henry Junior Ogar Talks A Song In Heaven

Musician, Angel Henry Junior Ogar is telling everyone that he met a
music producer, and another one in a place out of the physical world.
He told his internet source clearly that he saw the people and
initially they smelt like angels but he was not sure that they are. He
focused properly and saw that they almost looked like people he see in
the physical realm but were not. This has amused him alot, that he can
not say where he will make his next album or song. The songs or album
i expose next may get a heavenly recording, and if it does then i can
tell i met fellow angels, who may have not found themselves to be
angels, but my song work with them will help them to discover their
true selves. If they do, then they may see me as their mediator and
anchor from above.


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