Angel Henry Junior Ogar Mimicks President Donald Trump 'America Wil Not Be Held Blackmail Of Any Nuclear Deal'
If I were President Trump, Angel Henry Junior Ogar said he will
withdraw from a Nuclear deal also. He said this after he confirmed the
United State President reaction was funny, beacuse he frowned while
saying the withdrawal speech. The reason for President Trump
withdrawal is the Iranian Nation disagreement to open their Nuclear
Bomb Arena. Angel Henry Junior Ogar said as he watched from Heaven,
He heard Israel ('The home of Jesus Christ') Prime Minister Nathaniel
Nethanyu support President Trump as Jesus Christ watches the
revelations he decleared decades ago happen. At the scene, Angel Henry
Junior Ogar informed vmo internet source that at the time of this
withdrawal of Us from Iran Nuclear deal, there was a misile bomb scare
it is also clear that some threat of Iranin Military were present in
Syria. The United States President "Donald Trump" further said that
United States can sanction France, Germany, China, any other country
that help Iran achieve it nuclear deal.