
Angel Henry Junior Ogar Confirms The Condolence On President Donald Trump Is The Creator

The condolence spirit that visited that visited President Donald Trump
of United States in my dream, have been confirmed to be the Creator of
all things whom i call my father. The Creator, visited me in my sleep
with the presence of several people in American Government, and my
earthly Dad. The Creator revealed that it was talking of the mess that
was to make President Donald Trump leave the Iran Nuclear deal which
he did to make the world more interesting in the aim to fight
terorrism. The President Trump Government almost made Angel Henry
Junior Ogar shoot continously at the Creator forgetting that the
Americans see it as 'GOD'. Angel Henry Junior Ogar explained that God
Was begining to look like the Creator itself knowing fully that it
should be regarded as God for themselves at all time and same applies
to every religion so one does not end up calling and adoring names
instead of the One we should honor and adore.


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