
My Parents Have Complaints About My Gadget Says Angel Henry Junior Ogar

Musician, Angel Henry Junior Ogar have made a statement in a new post, saying his parents Edward and Virginia have a bad eye towards bis gadget. He has gotten not less than three phones within the last two years, and none have even lasted up to he expected. Now he thinks of getting another one, Ice2. Am not sure I will get the phone Angel Henry Junior Ogar says he told himself that, because he wants to make a big save this month and continuously also his phone is sufficient for the main fine even of it has a bad state.  I just loved the Ice 2 Smart phone from the MTN advertisements on TV and wanted getting it for myself so I can start using the instagram app, come to it again, now I just have to abandon the plan and do something else.  Perhaps when I want to get it it may be upgraded.
 Edward and Virginia

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