
Musician Angel Henry Speaks of his Debut album and Track List Takes Off Two Tracks From Reverbnation

Nigeria Musician Angel Henry Also referred to by so many people as
Henry Junior Ogar has officially told the media he will be releasing
his New Album This Year titled 'Grace'.

The Album is a compilation of 10 Tracks, 9 new recorded tracks with his previous single 'Shake It'.

He added that He likes a single life and the song Shake it especially
dedicated to Single Ladies,Boys, Dad and Mums. His entire album
include Pop songs, RnB and also Dance tracks.

He took off the songs from reverbnation, because the platform charges a fee for song hosting of larger which he can not keep up with right now.

Album - Grace

Track 1. Dreaming
Track 2. Okun
Track 3. Dance
Track 4. Gbedu
Track 5. Love
Track 6. Jet And Steering
Track 7. Ring
Track 8. Party
Track 9. Track
Track 10 Shake It

Angel Henry Junior Ogar seized exposure to two of his songs from Reverbnation  Track 1. Dreaming and 9. Track. THE BOTH SONGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE AND SOUNDCLOUD ONLY. ny of these music application sites and search for Angel Henry Junior Ogar

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See results about Angel Henry (Musical artist) Songs: GBEDU, Shake It, Love, Track, Back to God, Dance Albums: Grace

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