Nikkie Beharie is an American Movie Actor, who premiered her first
movie 'American
Violet'[] with a
leading role. she is also a Singer.
Recently, Angel Henry Junior Ogar a Nigerian musician has contacted
her Movie Agency 'The Walking Shadow Company' asking for a movie role
which he was told they were only taking locals from the City. He had
admired and followed 'Nikkie Beharie' on twitter after watching her
2017 movie (Sleepy Hollow featuring as Abbi Mills).
[Angel Henry Talks of Cannabis Nutrient]
Angel Henry Junior Ogar reported through Angel Henry Daily that he had
admired the actress continuously, through out the season 1 and have
refused to watch the season 2 after she didn't reply him on twitter.
Tweet by Angel Henry Junior Ogar: @NikkiBeharie follow back, the boy
from your emotions.
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After his tweet
Angel Henry Junior Ogar
Jan 23
I dreamt of a snow and stars fall in Nigeria.
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[All My Phone Recordings Were Interesting]
He also said, that Nikkie will be a good wife to him as she looks like
an apple. He is still in the midst of searching a way to meet Nikkie
Beharie in United States as he mentions here in his post to Angel
Henry Daily. However, The company behind the film he fell in love from
with Nikkie are yet to give a second reply, with which God knows when.
He finally concluded, that He will send a letter to Nikkie Beharie,
through her company, if He doesn't find her home address and postal